Friday, 10 July 2020

2020 Day 192

2020 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Dewdhek

De Gwener, degves mis Gorefen
Friday, 10th July

Na ellama mos pell, etho theram ow trouvya taclow dhe wil e'n chei. Otta! My a gavas kisten bredn et ow dillasva. Pandr'eus enny? Ma nebes jednas gwesk ha bestes blewek bian. Piw a veu an perhenogesow? Na ellama remembra poran. Onan po diw ew peth vy, saw nag ew oll. Theram ow pedery dr'ew nebes devedhys dhort modrebedh coth. An Vretones goth ew balshak lowr. Bloodh hei ew trei ügens. Ma tollow bian et hy hapa. Ewa debrys gen prevas? Ma cappa gwres a las serth dhedhy. Nebes disliw ew. Ma capa brith dhe'n Gembres, ha ma las war hy hatt ewedh. Da ew gen benenes Keltek donssya gen aga skichow predn. Ma dhe'n Spanyores meur a las war hy hûjes pilen. Hy gis dons ew deffrans. Ma tüs ow tonssya war an wynsell. Üdn jedna ew gala nedhys hag onan ew ebil predn. Pana gemysca! Üdn anfujoges a gollas hy bregh ha ken onan ew heb hy diwarr.

I can't go far, so I find things to do in the house. Lo! I found a wooden box in my wardrobe. What is in it? There are several costume dolls and little furry animals. Who were the owners? I can't remember exactly. One or two are mine, but not all are. I think some have come from old aunts. The old Breton woman is quite threadbare. There are little holes in her cape. Is it moth-eaten? She has a cap made of stiff lace. It is rather discoloured. The Welsh woman has a checked cape, and there is lace on her hat as well. Celtic women like to dance with their wooden shoes. The Spanish woman has a lot of lace on her huge skirt. Her style of dancing is different. There are people dancing on the fan. One doll is twisted straw and one is a clothes peg. What a mixture! One poor thing lost her arm and another  one is without her legs.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

balshak threadbare, worn, shabby, etc.
capa (m) cape
cappa (m) cap
debrys gen prevas moth-eaten 
dillasva (f) wardrobe
gwesk costume
gwynsell (f) fan
jedna (f) doll
modrep (f) aunt, aunty > (note lenition in plural) modrebedh
perhenoges (f) owner (assuming it to be a female)

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