Tuesday, 11 June 2019

2019 Day 162

Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Dew

De Meurth, üdnegves mis Efan
Tuesday, 11th June

Glaw a wra en Kernow! Thera glaw dhen de, ma glaw dhen hedhyw ha, dres lycklod, e vedh glaw dhen avorow. Pur yeyn ew an gewer hedhyw - ma gwens anwheg. Ma nebes havyjy trûedhek reb an mor. Mis Efan ew - mis hav ew hedna - ha nag eus bes deg dedh moy terebo dedh an hirra. Ma kentrevek ow restorya an vosow y chei coth. Parjya enep a veu kemerys dhe-ves ha’n meyn ha preien ew diclos. Ew an re ma  gòlyow? Nag ens. Yscar ew dhe witha an vosow. Ma va ow whetha e’n gwens. Pur goth ew an vorr (fordh) vian ma - henwys “bownder” ew hei en mappa coth. E’n eur-ma creiys ew “Bownders Lane”! Na or Tom pes bloodh o y chei. Res ew dhodho gortos rag Kresen Kernow dhe vos egerys et y dreven nowydh en Resrudh dh’y whithra.
It rains in Cornwall! We had rain yesterday, we have rain today and, probably, we will have rain tomorrow. The weather is very cold today - there is an unfriendly wind. There are several miserable summer visitors by the sea. It is June - that is a summer month - and there are only ten more days until the longest day. A neighbour is restoring the walls of his old house. The surface plaster was removed and the stones and cob are exposed. Are those sails? No, they are not. It is sacking to protect the walls. It is blowing in the wind. This little road is very old - it’s called “a lane” in an old map. Nowadays it is called “Lane Lane”! Tom doesn’t know how old his house is. He must wait for the Cornwall Centre to be opened in its new buildings in Redruth to research it.

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