Wednesday, 5 June 2019

2019 Day 156

Dedh Cans, Dogens ha Whetek

De Merher, pempes mis Efan
Wednesday, 5th June

Ma caletter dhebm arta. E’n eur-ma thew o mergh wydn.
Ma drog branja dhedhy ha na ell hei mos dhe scol.
Nag eus drog branja dhe’n kei bian saw otta va obma ewedh.
Martesen an voren a gawas annes e’n ryver ort an treth
De Sadorn.
Res ew dhedhy gwil hy gweythres scol
ha me a vedn scrifa o blogg.
E’n gwelha pres me a gavos Google Docs arta!
Rag hedna, còmpes ew an aray (ma esperans dhebm).
Martesen nag ew!
E’n gwettha pres, na ellama cavos whath pictours coth veth.
Thera nei o qwary gwary reknys.
Ma’n vos o tria hy niverow.

I have a problem again. Currently it is my granddaughter.
She has a sore throat and she can’t go to school.
The little dog doesn’t have a sore throat but here he is as well.
Perhaps the maid got a cold in the river at the beach
on Saturday. She has to do her homework
and I will write my blog.
Fortunately I found Google Docs again.
Therefore, the format is correct (I hope).
Perhaps it is not!
Unfortunately, I still can’t find any old pictures.
We are playing a counting game.
The girl is practising her numbers.

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