De Merher, ügensves mis Genver
Wednesday, 20th January
Gleb ew an jedh. Glaw a wra. Coth o vy ha na vadna vy mos mes. Saw nag o vy whath mar goth avel Noy - ha nag ew an gewer mar leb avel en termyn Noy. Ma'n Beybel ow leverel hebma. "Whegh cans bloodh o Noy pan dheuth Livyow dowr war an norves. … Dew ügens dedh ha dew ügens nos an Liv a bejyas war an norves." Ma othom dhebm a bottys stanch, saw na vedh othom dhebm a Lester. Nag o vy awenys dhe dedna po liwya, na dhe gemeres fôtôs naneyl. Res vedh dhebm whithra pictours a Livyow ha meur a dhowr war an wiasva. Dew cans bledhen gellys Gericault a liwyas "Scath Cloos an Medusa" - gwel a wreck. Adro dhe pemp cans bledhen ha hanter cans gellys nebonan heb hanow a liwyas "An Liv Meur" gen Lester Noy ha bush brâs a düs e'n dowr. Radn brâs anodhans a gollas aga dilhas. Moy es pajar ügens bledhen gellys Paul Klee a liwyas "Ma'n Liv ow Còlhy Citys Dhe Ves". Nag eus pobel veth dhe vos gwelys.
The day is wet. It rains. I am old and I do not want to go out. But I am not yet as old as Noah - and the weather is not as wet as in Noah's time. The Bible says this. "Noah was six hundred years old when Floods of water came on the world. … For forty days and forty nights the Flood continued on the world." I need waterproof boots, but I don't need an Ark. I am not inspired to draw or paint, nor to take photos. I shall have to research pictures of Floods and lots of water on the internet. Two hundred years ago Gericault painted "The Raft of the Medusa" - a scene of a shipwreck. About 550 years ago someone anonymous painted "The Great Flood" with Noah's Ark and a crowd of people in the water. Many of them lost their clothes. More than 80 years ago Paul Klee painted "The Flood Washes Away Cities". There are no people to be seen.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
awenys inspired (you can also use inspirys)
bush brâs a düs (m) crowd of people
dilhas (collective) clothes
gòlhy dhe ves to wash away
gollas (preterite) lost < (verb) kelly
gwreck (m) shipwreck
liv (m) flood
norves(m) world
pejya ~ pesya to continue, persist
scath cloos (f) raft < cloos hurdle, wattle, rack
whithra to research, investigate
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