De Sül, seytegves
mis Genver
Sunday, 17th January
Nei a gerdhas war venedh war tûa Rün. Nag eus bes
bohes treven ena. Ma tüs yonk ow taswil skiber goth. An meyn reb an mor a vedh
gorrys et aga telher arta. Ma gwel fîn dhort òbma. Nei alja gweles tüs war an
treth. Da lowr ew kerdhes rag agan yehes. Nag eus person veth war an plen golf.
Nag eus lies carr war an vorrow, bes ma rosow lowr! E veu teylû gen pajar beik.
E veu sira war deyr ros vrâs ow qweres dhe vos vian war dhiw ros vian. E veu
lowarther gen gravar ros, üdn ros, ewedh.
We walked uphill towards Reen. There are only a few
buildings there. Young people are renovating an old barn. The stones by the
road will be put back in their place again. There is a fine view from here. We
could see people on the beach. It's OK to walk for our health. There's not a
single person on the links. There aren't many cars on the roads, but there are
plenty of wheels! There was a family with four bikes. There was a father on
three big wheels, helping a little girl on two small wheels. There was a
gardener with a wheelbarrow, one wheel, as well.
Deg ger
rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
beik (m) bike
da lowr OK,
daswil ~
daswül to renovate, renew
ros (m) wheelbarrow
gwel (mf) view
plen golf
(m) links
ros (f) wheel
skiber (f) barn
venedh uphill
yehes (m) (silent y) health
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