Thursday, 5 November 2020

2020 Day 310

 2020 Dedh Trei Hans ha Deg 

De Yow, pempes mis Dû

Thursday, 5th November

Tewal ew a-ves e’n pres ma. My ell clowes tanow creft en nep le, en lowarth, saw na ellama gweles tra veth. Nag ew keun lôwen. My ell clowes harha. Piw ell remembra dr’ew treson an reson? E veu Towl Podn Gòdn en whetek cans ha pemp. An Gevrasoryon Gatholyk a venja tardha Metêrn Jammes en Chei an Arlydhy, termyn ev dhe egery an Senedh en Loundres. Whetek balyer warn ügens a bodn gòdn a veu kevys. Nag eus disqwedhyans e’n vledhen ma, drefen COVID-19. Thera vy ow perthy cov a dhisqwedhyansow teg en bledhednyow tremenys. 

It’s dark outside at the moment. I can hear fireworks somewhere, in a garden, though I can’t see anything. Dogs aren’t happy. I can hear barking.  Who can remember that the reason is treason? There was a Gunpowder Plot in 1605. The Catholic conspirators wanted to blow up King James in the House of Lords when he opened Parliament in London. Thirty-six barrels of gunpowder were found. There’s no display this year, because of COVID-19. I remember beautiful displays in past years.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

arlydhy (plurallords < arlòdh (m)

a-ves outside

en nep le somewhere

harha ~ hartha (verbal nounbarking

kevrasoryon (pluralconspirators < kevrasor (m)

podn gòdn (m) gunpowder

tanow creft (pluralfireworks

tardha to blow up, explode

tewal ~ tewl dark

towl (m) plot, plan 

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