Tuesday, 26 November 2019

2019 Day 330

Dedh Trei Hans Deg warn Ügens

De Meurth, wheffes warn ügens mis Dû
Tuesday, 26th November

Mettin avarr reb an mor – scant na ellama gweles an mor en peldar. Ma loor nowydh lebmyn ha ma hedna ow styrrya dr'ew trig pur isel ha lanow pur ûhel. Ma gwens crev dhort an sooth ow whetha blewednow war dhelkyow gwedhen palm en lowarth reb an savla kyttrin. Gordhûher a-bres reb an mor – res ew dhebm pònya rag gwitha segh ow threys. Garow ha galòjek ew an todnow. Ma'n mor ow fedna war an morrab. Ma todnow gwels bian ow resek an ryver bian emann.

Early morning by the sea – I can hardly see the sea in the distance. There's a new moon now and that means that low tide is very low and high tide is very high. A strong wind from the south is blowing hairs on leaves of a palm tree in a garden by the bus-stop. Early evening by the sea – I have to run to keep my feet dry. The waves are rough and powerful. The sea is overflowing on the promenade. Little tidal waves are rushing up the little river.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

blew collective hairs > singular blewen plural blewednow
delkyow leaves
isel low
lanow (morlanow) (m) high tide
scant hardly
sooth south
styrrya to mean
trig (m) low tide
ûhel high
whetha to blow

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