Wednesday, 13 November 2019

2019 Day 317

Dedh Trei Hans ha Seytek
De Merher, terdhegves mis Dû
Wednesday, 13th November

Ass ew euthyk tra teknologieth a'n eur ma. Ma dhe nei oll lies tabm paper gen textys dornscrifys hag argraffys gen neb jynn coth. Bes tabm a baper ell bos destriys gen tan po liv. An scrif alja bos a bris po dhe les bes ev alja bos towlys dhe ves. En gwelha pres ma tüs ow creuny! Ow hosin a wrüg gwitha lies lether dhort cosin aral en termyn an bell. Hy mergh re ûsyas scanyer ha lebmyn my ell redya an letherow ewedh. Otta carten Nadelik dhort nanj ew whetek bledhen ha trei ügens. Ma lies folen paper dhe vos scanyes rag Kresen Kernow.

What a wonderful thing is modern technology. We all have lots of bits of paper with texts handwritten and printed on some old machine. But a piece of paper can be destroyed by fire or flood. The text could be important or interesting but it could be thrown away. Fortunately there are people who hoard! My cousin kept many letters from another cousin in the wartime. Her daughter has used a scanner and now I can read the letters as well. Here's a Christmas card from 76 years ago. There are many sheets of paper to be scanned for the Cornwall Centre.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

a'n eur-ma modern, nowadays, up to the moment
argraffa to print
cott y vownans ephemeral
creuny to hoard
destria to destroy
dornscrifys handwritten
euthyk tra terrific thing, etc. (you can also use real dra)
scanyer scanner
teknologieth technology
textys texts

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