Tuesday, 12 November 2019

2019 Day 316

Dedh Trei Hans ha Whetek

De Meurthdewdhegves mis Dû
Tuesday, 12th November

Yeyn ew an gwens ha garow ew an mor. Ma todnow brâs. Bes hedna na dal oy. Da ew genam de Meurth, dedh da dhe dhebry cowl ha redya Kernôwek. Da ew genam tavern coffy Lily ewedh, mons ow qwil an gwelha cowl. Pandr'ew e'n cowl hedhyw? Ma dew gowl, da ha tòbm. An eyl ew gen pompyon ha losow owriek erel, know dor ha tabm chylly, hag y gila ew cowl “cabmdhavas” gen oll sortow losow hag erbys. Ha na wrewgh nakevy trogh a limaval glas! Kenth ew an gwens crev ha yeyn tho nei tòbm lowr.

The wind is cold and the sea is rough. There are big waves. But I don't care. I like Tuesday, a day to eat soup and read Cornish. I like Lily's cafe as well, they make the best soup. What's in the soup today? There are two soups, good and hot. One is with pumpkin and other golden vegetables, peanuts and a bit of chilli, and the other is “rainbow” soup with all sorts of vegetables and herbs. And don't forget a slice of lime! Though the wind is strong and cold we are quite warm.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

an eyl … hag y gila the one … and the other
an gwelha the best (later spelling than gwella)
erbys edible herbs
hedna na dal oy I don't give a damn or similar (lit. That's not worth an egg.)
know dor peanuts, groundnuts
limaval glas lime (lit. green lemon)
nakevy to forget (you can also use ankevy example of metathesis)
owriek golden (I could have used rüdhvelyn orange)
pompyon pumpkin (actually it was butternut squash!)
trogh a slice (from verb trehy to cut)

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