Monday, 23 September 2019

2019 Day 266

Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Whegh

De Lün, tryja warn ügens mis Gwedngala
Monday, 23rd September

Kidnyadh ewa lebmyn e'n hanter norh an bes, saw e'n hanter sooth an bes thew an sêson gwenton. Ma'n hanter norh an bes pelha dhort an howl ha ma'n hanter sooth an bes nessa dhodho. E'n norh nei a wra yeynhe (treylya môy yeyn) hag e'n sooth anjei a wra mos môy tòbm – marnas en qwartronys trovadnüs. Ena thew an gewer tòbm oll an termyn – nag eus dhodhans pajar sêson. An howl a wra “viaj” dhe'n Trovan an Aver terebo agan Mantol, en mis Kevardhû, nena ev a wra dos tre terebo ev dhe hedhes Trovan an Canker en cres agan hav, en mis Est. Tredh an dhew e vedh keheja dedh ha nos aral en mis Meurth.

It's autumn now in the northern hemisphere, but in the southern hemisphere the season is spring. The northern hemisphere is further from the sun and the southern hemisphere is nearer to it. In the north we will turn colder and in the south they will go hotter – except in tropical zones. There the weather is hot all the time – they do not have four seasons. The sun will “travel” to the Tropic of Capricorn until our midwinter, in December, then it will come back until it reaches the Tropic of Cancer in our midsummer, in June. In between there will be another equinox in March.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

hanter half or hemi-
hanter norh an bes (also hanter pel north) northern hemisphere
hanter sooth an bes (also hanter pel soth) southern hemisphere
nessa nearer < nes near
pelha (or pella) further < pell far
Not all comparatives are formed by adding -a to the end of the adjectives, so sometimes you have to use môy more, e.g. môy yeyn more cold, colder .
môy tòbm hotter (tobma means to heat up)
qwartronys zones < qwartron
Trovan Tropic
trovadnüs tropical (or trovadnek)
yeynhe cool down, become colder, etc.

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