Friday, 20 September 2019

2019 Day 263

Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Trei

De Gwener ügensves mis Gwedngala
Friday, 20th September

Vysytoryon vian arta! Nag era scol veth hedhyw rag an flehes. Thera dedh descadoryon ha metyansow kerens rag pobel cowldevys. Na alja na dama nan sira gòrtos tre, etho thera othom a sira wydn ha dama wydn. Fatel alja nei collenwel an termyn rag üdn vos hag üdn maw? Nag ew da ganjans an keth taclow ha ma nerth brâs dhodhans. Res veu dhe'n vos glanhe hy hawal logas brâs. E veu whans dhe'n sira wydn mires ort an rugby war TV. An maw bian a wrüg mires nebes ewedh, saw ev a veu gellys skith. Etho nei a fittyas ha debry kidnyow a-dermyn. Tas wydn a fias dhe'n fo – ev eth dhe'n shoppas! Nei a gawas paperyow nowodhow rag an bord – ha nena art! Lies liw ha paper ha scübylednow paynt. Saw nag ew art da gans an maw bian. “Na ellama y wül,” emedh ev. Da ew ganjo y dhiwros ha da ew ganjo gwary peldroos gans y das wydn. An vos a drouvyas lovan – da ew genjy skydnya gen lovan! Tas wydn a dhedh tre. Termyn rag gwary e'n lowarth.
Little visitors again! There was no school at all today for the children. There was a teachers' day and parents' meetings for adults. Neither mother nor father could stay home, so grandfather and grandmother were needed. How could we occupy the time for one girl and one boy? They don't like the same things and they have great energy. The girl had to clean her rats' cage. The grandfather wanted to watch rugby on TV. The little boy looked a bit as well, but he became bored. So we prepared and ate lunch early. Granddad escaped – he went to the shops! We got newspapers for the table – and then art! Lots of colours and paper and paintbrushes. But the little boy does not like art. “I can't do it,” he says. He does like his bicycle and he does like playing football with his granddad. The girl found a rope – she likes abseiling. Granddad came home. Time to play in the garden.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
  • different types of plurals
descadoryon teachers < descador (m) (-oryon ending often used for plurals of people)
vysytoryon visitors vysytor (m) (can also use plural vysytors)
metyansow meetings metyans meeting (m) (-ow ending common)
nowodhow news (no singular, only adjective nowydh new)
scübylednow small brushes < scübylen (f) (-en becomes -edn before -ow ending)
taclow things (irregular plural, singular thing is tra)
paperyow papers < paper (m) (-yow another common ending)
shoppas shops, workshops (loan words often use -s for plural)
logas mice (rat = big mouse) (plural shorter than singular logojen mouse)
Not all words ending in -ow are plurals, so
kidnyow lunch, midday dinner (doesn't seem to have a plural, so if you want multiple lunches/dinners choose a different word, e.g. li >liyow)

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