Sunday, 1 September 2019

2019 Day 244

Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Pajar
De Sül, kensa mis Gwedngala
Sunday,1st September
Terweythyow ma vysytors dhe nei. Anjei alja bos gelwys saw anjei alja dos heb galow ewedh. An keun wheg ma a wrüg dos dhe wary heb galow! Anjei a fias dhe'n fo dhort agan kentrevoges. Kemerys dhe ves o hy yet coth, rag gara spas dhe onan nowydh gwell. Anjei eth tre òja resek oll adro dhe'n lowarth. Na veu an cathes lowan dh'aga gweles anjei. Lowen o vy pub pres dhe weles tyckias-Duw, a neb ehen. Otta mantel rüdh owth eva dhort aval poder (en le a flour). Ellowgh whei gweles hebma en besowen? Nader margh a neyjas bys e'n losowjy hedhyw. Res veu dhebm gweres dhedhy cavos an vorr ves. Na ellama trovya o fôto, soweth. Eurika! 

Sometimes we have visitors. They could be invited but they could also come without an invitation. These nice dogs came to play without invitation! They scarpered from our neighbour. Her old gate was taken away, to make room for a better new one. They went home after racing all around the garden. The cats weren't happy to see them. I am always happy to see butterflies, of any kind. Here's a red admiral drinking from a rotten apple (instead of a flower). Can you see this one in a birch tree? A big dragonfly flew into the conservatory today. I had to help her find the way out. Sadly I cannot find my photo. Eurika!

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
en le a instead of
fia dhe'n fo run away, scarper
gelwys invited < gelwel
galow invitation
kentrevoges (f), kentrevek (m) neighbour
poder rotten
resek to race, to run (you can also use pònya for to run)
tyckias-Duw (pl) butterflies < tycky-Duw (God's little jewel)
vysytor visitor (you can also use omweler)
yet gate

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