Thursday, 5 September 2019

2019 Day 248

Dedh Dew Cans Dogens hag Eth

De Yow, pempes mis Gwedngala
Thursday, 5th September

Mettin da dhe whei. Otta vy mes a'm gwely e'n mettin a-varr. Gleb ha gwenjek o an nos ha loos ew an mettin, bes e veu howldrevel spladn dhen. Rag pols berr an ebòrn a wolowas dadn an cloudys. An howl a wrüg glyttra dres an gwedh.
E'n androw gellys ew an cloudys bes hir ew agan skeujow. Gellys ew an logos brâs, an mos ha'y broder ewedh. Ma scol hedhyw. Bettegens, devedhys ew an maw bian ha y vabm. Thera nei e'n lowarth. Da via gans an meppik crambla an leder.

Good morning to you. Here I am out of my bed early in the morning. The night was wet and windy and the morning is grey, but we had a bright sunrise. For a brief moment the sky lit up under the clouds. The sun sparkled through the trees.
In the late afternoon the clouds have gone but our shadows are long. The rats, the girl and her brother have gone as well. There's school today. However, the little boy and his mum have come. We are in the garden. The little boy would like to climb the slope.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

androw late afternoon
a-varr early (You can also use abres, a-vres, arvis, or a-dermyn)
cloudys clouds (If you want to say cloudy you can use comolek)
crambla climb (crambla menedhyow is mountaineering)
dohajedh afternoon (any time)
glyttra sparkle, glitter (You can also use terlentry)
golowa/golowy light up, flash, shine
howldrevel sunrise (also dhoryans)
howlsedhes sunset
skeujow shadows

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