Saturday, 21 September 2019

2019 Day 264

Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Pajar

De Sadorn, kensa warn ügens mis Gwedngala
Saturday, 21st September

Otta vy en Porthia arta, en Solar Art Tate. Nag ew an gewer pur deg – ma glaw o tegensewa. Bes na vern dhebm, my a vedh a-jei. Ma disqwedhyans nowydh ha kestalkyans gans an artist, Otobong Nkanga. Afrycanes ew hei. Termyn hei veu mos vian thera dynyans dhedhy gen menow an pow. Thera glist en radn anodhans. Glist ell glyttra pur wydn (cadn). Ma crystels etto. Lebmyn ma hei o cül devnydh anodho et hy oberow. Glist – gwrîsow cadn - o aswonys en Kernow ewedh, rag termyn hir. Ma lavar en gwary pur goth: “gwydn avel gwrîs”. Otobong Nkanga a whithras an formys lies tra: molecûlys, mònyow. Ma hei o cül devnydh anodhans et hy oberow: tednansow, brithow, tapîtys fin, taclow solyd. Otta folednow gwres a gober, sten, brest ha metols erel – liwyow deffrans – gen crügow a list. Ma keverednow et hy ober tredh oll sortow taclow - tüs bal ha tüs neb üjy o perna. Ma dhedhy kescolonecter brâs rag Kernow.
Here I am in St Ives again, in the Tate Art Gallery. The weather isn't very lovely – rain is threatening. But, it doesn't matter to me, I shall be indoors. There is a new exhibition and a conversation with the artist, Otobong Nkanga. She is an African woman. When she was a small girl she was fascinated by local stones. There was mica in some of them. Mica can glitter very white, bright white. There are crystals in it. Now she makes use of it in her works. Mica – white crystals - was known in Cornwall as well, for a long time. There is a saying in a veryold play, “as white as crystal”. Otobong Nkanga researched the structures of many things: molecules, minerals. She makes use of them in her works, drawings, paintings, tapestries, solid objects. Here are laminations made of copper, tin, brass and other metals – different colours – with mounds of mica. There are connections in her work between all sorts of things – miners and people who buy. She has great sympathy for Cornwall.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

Afrycanes (f) African woman
folednow sheets, laminations, flakes < folen (f)
formys structures, forms < form
glist mica
gwrîs crystal (you can also use crystel) > gwrîsow (pl)
kescolonecter sympathy
keverednow connections < keveren (f)
molecûlys molecules
mònyow minerals < moon
whithra to research

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