Monday, 7 December 2020

2020 Day 342

  2020 Dedh Trei Hans Dogens ha Dew

De Lün, seythves mis Kevardhû

Monday, 7th December

Otta vy tre arta. Pub tra obma ew behatna vel en Resrüdh. My ell gweles an mor, saw my a welas moy anodho de. Bettegens, moy blou ew ev hedhyw ha nessa! Obma thew an tir rag gonisegeth ha maga bestes. Ha ma còsow bian ewedh. Ogas dhe Whel Ewny ma rosyow ha shaftys balyow keys.  Saw ma eythin en pub le, flourys melyn teg! Ma liwyow spladn en gwav ow rei plesour dhe bub onan - whath en teleryow trûedh. Ma'n flourys teg ma - jylofers ha mor rüdh ha rosednow ha lilys gwydn - reb men bedh. Üdn dhama ha sira ew gellys saw nag ens nekevys.  

Here I am at home again. Everything here is smaller than in Redruth. I can see the sea, but I saw more of it yesterday. However, it is bluer today, and nearer! Here the ground is for agriculture and raising animals. And there are little woods as well. Near Wheal Uny there are heathlands and fenced-off mine shafts. But there is gorse everywhere, beautiful yellow flowers. Bright colours in winter give everyone pleasure - even in sad situations. These beautiful flowers - red carnations and berries and white roses and lilies - are by a grave stone. One mother and father are gone but not forgotten.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

balyow mines < bal (m)

behatna smaller

gonisegeth (f) agriculture, cultivation

jylofer (m) carnation

keys enclosed, fenced off < (verbkeas

maga to raise, rear

nekevys ~ ankevys forgotten < (verbnakevy ~ ankevy

nessa nearer

rosednow roses < rosen (f) > ros (collective)

rosyow ~ rosow heathlands ros (m)

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