Monday, 16 March 2020

2020 Day 76

2020 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Whetek

De Lün, Whetegves mis Meurh
Monday, 16th March

Trûedhek o vy. Nag o vy lôwen. Na ellama gweles ow flehes wydn terebo gellys covid 19. Therama en bagas peryl ûhel, car dre hevel. Na dal vy travalya en kytterinyow. Ma boos lowr e'n copart rag lebmyn. Òja (wosa) hedna nei a wra pernassa (prenassa) war linen. Ma'n brâssa radn ow howetha/howethesow owth omgavas pecar, "en lester kehaval". Na vedh cuntellyan bagas art e'n mis ma, ha na vedh disqwedhyans naneyl. Na ellama desky Kernôwek en tavern coffy. Na ellama mos dhe'n leverva po gwithty. En gwelha pres ma dhebm lies lever war ow stylednow (estyllennow). Ma dhebm gwalgh a daffar art ha gweyth najedh (naswedh) magata. My a dal gwil nebes marthys. E'n men termyngwenton ew ha ma meur a whel dhe wil e'n lowarth.

I am sad. I am not happy. I cannot see my grandchildren until covid 19 has gone. I am in a high risk group, apparently. I shouldn't travel in buses. There's enough food in the cupboard for now. After that we'll do on-line shopping. Most of my friends are similarly situated, "in the same boat". There won't be an art group meeting this month, and there won't be an exhibition either. I can't teach Cornish in a cafe. I can't go to the library or museum. Fortunately I have lots of books on my shelves. I have a copious supply of art materials and needlework as well. I should make something wonderful. Meanwhile it's spring and there's a lot of work to do in the garden.

Deg ger rag hedjyw: Ten words for today

copart (m) cupboard
gwalgh (m) copious supply, sufficiency, surfeit, glut, etc.
gweyth najedh (m) needlework
gwithty (m) museum
marthys wonderful
omgavas to be situated, find oneself < cavas to find
pernassa to shop, go shopping < perna to buy
stylednow shelves < singular styllen/estyllen (f)
terebo until
trûedhek sad

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