De Yow, pempes mis Meurh
Thursday, 5th MarchGool Peran lowen dhe oll an norves. Ma baners gwydn ha dû oll adro; lies baner bian ha baners brâs, baners war linednow, baners war vosow hag en lowarthow, baners degys war bolyon. Radn anodhans eth dhe'n keskerdh e'n dre. Saw nag eus baner war an wern vaner reb an mor. Re wenjek ew ha sqwardys ew an baner. Hedhyw my a welas môy baners es pobel. Gwag o an treth ha'n strêtys. Martesen thera oll an bes reb an peneglos rag dallath an keskerdh. Na wrüga vy y weles - thera vy ow qwitha flogh.
Happy St Piran's Day to all the world. There are white and black flags all around; lots of little flags and big flags, flags on strings, flags on walls and in gardens, flags carried on poles. Some of them went to the parade in town. But there wasn't a flag on the flagstaff by the sea. It is too windy and the flag is torn. I saw more flags than people today. The beach and the streets were empty. Perhaps all the world was by the cathedral for the start of the parade. I didn't see it - I was babysitting.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
dallath or dalla (m) start, beginning
degys carried
gwag empty
gwenjek windy
gwern vaner (f) flagstaff > plural gwernow baner
keskerdh (m) parade, procession, march, etc.
norves (m) or bes (m) world
polyon plural poles, sticks < singular polyn (f)
sqwardys torn, ripped
vos (f) wall (also fos)
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