De Merher, üdnegves mis Meurh
Wednesday, 11th March
Eth cans. My re scrifas blogg pub dedh rag eth cans dedh. An blogg ma ew niver eth cans. My a wras determyans Bledhen Nowydh en diw vil hag etek, dallath an nessa mis Genver, ha lebmyn thew diw vil hag ügens. Ew ow Kernôwek gwell es war an kensa dedh? Na ora vy. Martesen nag ew gwell. Tho vy eth cans bloodh cottha, sür! Ha fürra? My alja bos moy gòcky. Lowen o vy gen taclow sempel en bownans. Da ew genam kerdhes ha mires adro, bes hedhyw thera vy en chei. My ell mires orth an edhyn ha gordhya ow lowarth ha'n flourys gwels. Ma mola dhû hag edhyn dû erel ow tos war an gwels. Saw nag eus golanes et ow lowarth.
Eight hundred. I have written a daily blog for 800 days. This blog is number 800. I made a New Year's resolution in 2018, started on 2nd January, and now it is 2020. Is my Cornish better than on the first day? I don't know. Perhaps it is not better. I am 800 day older, certainly! And wiser? I could be dafter. I'm happy with simple things in life. I like walking and looking around, but today I'm at home. I can watch the birds and admire my garden and the wild flowers. A blackbird and other black birds come on the grass. But there are no gulls in my garden.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
cottha older (can also mean shorter)
determyans (m) resolution
fürra wiser
gòcky daft, silly
golanes gulls
gordhya to admire
gwels or gwyls adjective wild
gwels collective plural grass > gwelsen (f) blade of grass
mola dhû (f) blackbird even though only the male is black!
niver (m) number
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