don’t very often ask yourself questions in a diary – unless you are very
introspective – but others will ask you questions in conversation. So here are
some of our previous sentences and phrases converted into suitable questions.
We will use the more formal form (which can be used for singular or plural),
rather than the familiar form:
Did you ? is a wrüssa whei ?
people say wressa whei or wrüga whei)
Rag Pask a wrüssa whei
debry oyow.
Did you eat eggs for Easter?
Rag Pask a wrüssa whei
kemeres oyow.
Did you get eggs for Easter?
Rag Pask a wrüssa whei
receva oyow.
Did you receive eggs for Easter?
Rag Pask a wrüssa whei
degemeres oyow.
Did you receive eggs for Easter?
Rag Pask a wrüssa whei
fanja oyow.
Did you receive eggs for Easter?
A wrüssa
whei perna oyow moy?
Did you buy more eggs?
A wrüssa
whei desky neb tra?
Did you learn anything?
A wrüssa
whei spendya neb tra?
Did you spend anything?
In conversation we
often leave out the verbal particle <a> at the beginning.
Here are some more interrogative
verb examples (without the particle)
Did you go?
Wrüssa whei moas?
Did you come?
Wrüssa whei doas?
Did you stay?
Wrüssa whei gòrtos?
Did you give?
Wrüssa whei rei?
Did you bring?
Wrüssa whei drei?
Did you play?
Wrüssa whei gwary?
Did you see?
Wrüssa whei gweles?
Did you watch (look at) TV?
Wrüssa whei mires
ort TV?
Did you listen to music?
Wrüssa whei goslowes
ort mûsik?
Did you hear?
Wrüssa whei clowes?
Did you go shopping?
whei prenassa?
Did you work?
Wrüssa whei obery?
Did you exercise?
Wrüssa whei omobery
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