De Gwener, kensa warn ügens mis Hedra
Friday, 21st October

O whei gellys skith gen politegieth? Po o whei grevys? Ma lies othom dhe Gernow ha nag üjy Westminster gwil lowr dhe 'gan gweres. Saw ma lies crefter (crevder) dhe Gernow. Prest o an bobel a Gernow abyl, pur ynjin ha diwysyk. Ma lies gallos ha devnydh dhe nei. Ma dhen gwens ha todnow. Terweythyow ma dhen howl ha glaw. Ma whath nebes mònyow ha tòbmder e'n dor. Gwrewgh nakevy viajorieth! Gwrewgh mires orth agan cultur ha creativita.

Are you bored with politics? Or are you annoyed? Cornwall has many needs and Westminster is not doing enough to help us. But Cornwall has many strengths. Cornish people were always able, very ingenious and hard-working. We have many talents and resources. We have wind and waves. Sometimes we have sun and rain. There are still some minerals and heat in the ground. Forget tourism! Look at our culture and creativity.
Nebes geryow: Some words
abyl able
crefter ~ crevder (m) strength
diwysyk industrious, hard-working, etc.
gellys skith fed up, bored, tired, etc.
grevys annoyed
gweres dhe to help
mònyow minerals
nakevy ~ ankevy to forget
politegieth (f) politics
prest always, ever
tòbmder (m) heat, warmth
viajorieth (f) tourism
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