Sunday, 24 November 2024

2024 Day 329

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Naw warn Ügens

De Sül, pajwora warn ügens mis Dû

Sunday, 24th November

E’n Oos Cres thera crejyans en Cristonedh, crejyans pagan ha pystry, oll kemyskys warbarth. Ha Cristonedh ow cressya, pagans ha podrogyon o persecûtys. Thera lies tra nag o convedhys gen an düs, etho anjei a  wrüg pedery dr’o anjei  gornaturel. Na wrüg nagonan onderstondya na ayredh na awel. Anjei a vlamyas podrogyon ha gwrahes rag conjorya enawellow. Ma Enawel Bert dhe nei, era Enawel Harry dhodhans? Heb dout, thera pystrioryon, ha whethlow (ha fylmys ha mûsek) ow tòchya hüs, rag didhan. Meurgerys ens whath. 

In the Middle Ages there was belief in Christianity, paganism and magic, all mixed together. As Christianity expanded, pagans and witches were persecuted. There were many things that people did not understand, so they thought they were supernatural. Nobody understood either climate or weather. They blamed wizards and witches for conjuring storms. We have Storm Bert, did they have Storm Harry? Without doubt, there were conjurors, and stories (and films and music) about magic, for entertainment. They are still popular.

Otta neppeth gen Nicholas Boson scrifys en 1660 saw settys kensa hedna, (e’n peticyon dhe Arlòdhes Kernow owth acûsya Harry an Ermyt): 

Here’s something by Nicholas Boson written in 1660 but set before that (in the petition to the Duchess of Cornwall accusing Harry the Hermit):  

  1. Kensa, vrt an hagar auall iggeva gweell do derevoll warneny Keniffer termen drerany moas durt pedden an wolas do sillan &c. 

  1. Because of the many dangerous storms he hath risen upon us betwixt Silly & Land’s end ...” 

(SWFLt Kensa, ort an hager awel üjy va gwil dhe derevel wara nei keniver termyn drera nei ow mos dhort Pedn an Wlas dhe Syllan ...) 

Geryow rag Hedhyw Words for today 

crejyans (m) belief

Cristonedh Christianity

derevel to raise, build (SWFM drehevel)

didhan (m) entertainment, amusement

gornaturel supernatural

gwrahes ~ gwrathes witches, hags, etc. < gwrath ~ gwragh (f) (SWFM gwraghes)

Pedn an Wlas (PN) Landsend

podrogyon witches, wizards, sorcerers etc. < podrak (m)

pystrioryon wizards, sorcerers, conjurers, etc. < pystrier (m)

whedhlow stories, yarns, tales < whedhal (m)  

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