Friday, 22 November 2024

2024 Day 327

2024 Dedh Trei Hans Seyth warn Ugens

De Gwener, nessa war ugens mis

Friday, 22nd November

E’n vledhen eus passyes, en mis Whevrel, e veu visyt dhort Dûk Kernow hag Arlòdhes Kernow dhe Falmeth. Anjei a dheuth warbarth, gour ha gwreg. Theram ow redya lever bian gen Oliver J. Padel, dyllys en 1975. Henwys ew “The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family”. Ma radn, scrifys en Sowsnek ha Kernowek gen Nicholas Boson (adro dhe 1660), henwys “The Dutchesse of Cornwall’s progresse to see the Land’s end & to visit the mount.” Bes piw o an Arlòdhes Kernow en termyn na, ha rag fra nag era Dûk Kernow genjy? Ma profyansow gen Matthew Spriggs en “Cornish Studies 14”. An visyt a veu ken An Dasformyans. Martesen an venyn a veu Katherine Aragon po hy mergh Mary. Po martesen Katherine Gordon a dheuth.  Gwreg Perkin Warbeck o hei, ha thera hy gour ow clemya an thron. Scodhys o ev gen Kernow. Ha Boson a scrifas  

“Rag gun Arlothas da (Rag ‘gan Arlòdhes da) 

Ny en gweel gun moyha; (Nei a’n gwil ‘gan moyha;) 

For our most excellent Dutchesse Right 

Unto the utmost we will fight.” 

Last year, in February, there was a visit from the Duke of Cornwall and the Duchess of Cornwall to Falmouth. They came together, husband and wife. I am reading a little book by Oliver J. Padel, published in 1975. It's called “The Cornish Writings of the Boson Family”. There is a part, written in English and Cornish by Nicholas Boson, (in about 1660), called “The Dutchesse of Cornwall’s progresse to see the Land’s end & to visit the mount.” But who was the Duchess of Cornwall at that time, and why wasn't there a Duke of Cornwall with her? There are suggestions by Matthew Spriggs in “Cornish Studies 14”. The visit was before The Reformation. Perhaps the woman was Katherine of Aragon or her daughter Mary. Or perhaps Katherine Gordon came.  She was the wife of Perkin Warbeck, and her husband was claiming the throne. He was supported by people in Cornwall. And Boson wrote

“Rag gun Arlothas da

Ny en gweel gun moyha;

For our most excellent Dutchesse Right 

Unto the utmost we will fight.”

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

Arlòdhes Kernow (f) the Duchess of Cornwall

clemya to claim

An Dasformyans (m) The Reformation

Dûk Kernow (m) the Duke of Cornwall

dyllys published, issued

gour (m) husband

gwreg (f) wife

profyansow suggestions < profyans (m)

thron (m) throne

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