Wednesday, 1 June 2022

2022 Day 152

2022 Dedh Cans Dewdhek ha Dewgens

De Merher, kensa mis Efen
Wednesday, 1st June

An kensa dedh a'n vis, ha'n kensa dedh a hav meteorologieth. An pres lebmyn ew hanter wòja naw e'n gordhûher, ha whath nag ew an ebòrn tewl. Tolalolla ew. Na wrüg tra veth specyal darvos hedhyw. Whath ma flourys gwenton! Bettegens, otta descans bian nowydh.

The first day of the month, and the first day of meteorological summer. The time now is half past nine in the evening, and still the sky is not dark. It is dusk. Nothing special happened today. There are still spring flowers. However, here's a new little lesson.

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 27b

Building up our Cornish language Part 27b


Let's continue our look at gallos. We have done examples of first and second person singular. Now we will look at more of the paradigm. Here's a reminder of the whole thing, with variants.

Present – Future

1 sg ellam ~ allam, ellama ~ allama, ella vy ~ alla vy

2 sg elles, elles ta, ’lesta

3 sg ell,

   m: ell e, ell ev,

     f: ell, ell hei

1 pl ellen, ellen nei

2 pl ellow(gh), ello whei

3 pl allons, allon’ jei


Conditional - Imperfect

1 sg aljam, aljama, alja vy

2 sg aljes, aljes ta, alja chy

3 sg alja,

   m: aljava, alja e ~ ev,

     f: alja hei

1 pl aljen, alja nei

2 pl aljow(gh), aljo whei

3 pl aljens, alja anjei


This time we will use the main verb dos to come and adverb e kerdh away.

Nei ell dos e kerdh. We can come away.
Ellen nei dos e kerdh? Can we come away?
Na ellen dos e kerdh. We cannot come away.
A na ellen dos e kerdh? Can't we come away?

Nei alja dos e kerdh. We could come away.
Alja nei dos e kerdh? Could we come away?
Na aljen dos e kerdh. We couldn't come away.
A na aljen dos e kerdh? Couldn't we come away?

Whei ell dos e kerdh. You can come away.
Ello whei dos e kerdh? Can you come away?
Na ellowgh dos e kerdh. You can't come away.
A na ellowgh dos e kerdh? Can't you come away?

Whei alja dos e kerdh. You could come away.
Aljowgh dos e kerdh? Could you come away?
Na aljo whei dos e kerdh. You could not come away.
A na aljowgh dos e kerdh? Couldn't you come away?

You should already be able to understand these:

Piw üjy ow tos e kerdh? Who is coming away?
Thera nei ow tos e kerdh. We are coming away.
Era nei ow tos e kerdh? Are we coming away?
Nag era nei ow tos e kerdh. We are not coming away.

Piw a wrüg dos e kerdh? Who came away? Who did come away?
Nei wrüg dos e kerdh. We came away.
A wressowgh dos e kerdh? Did you come away?
Na wrüga nei dos e kerdh. We did not come away.

Da ew genen dos e kerdh. We like coming away.
Ew da geno whei dos e kerdh? Do you like coming away?
Nag ew da gena nei dos e kerdh. We do not like coming away.
Nag o da gena nei dos e kerdh. We did not like coming away.

Gwrewgh dos e kerdh! Come away!
Na wrewgh dos e kerdh! Don't come away!
Gerowgh nei dhe dhos e kerdh! Let us come away!
Nei a res dos e kerdh. We must come away.
Res ew dhe nei dos e kerdh. We have to come away.
Res veu dhen dos e kerdh. We had to come away.

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