Thursday, 9 June 2022

2022 Day 160

2022 Dedh Cans ha Trei Ügens

De Yow, nawhes mis Efen
Thursday, 9th June

Ero whei drivya bys en Heyl? A wressa whei bescath mos en kyttrin war tûa Pensans po Porth Ia? Martesen ma gwelys genowgh Melin (Belin) Loggans reb gorvarhas. Melin vleus o hei dres lies bledhen. An kensa melin ena o martesen en pemdhegves cans bledhen. Nag ew an derevyans ma mar goth! E veu tan drog e'n nawnjegves cansbledhen ha'n melin a veu derevys arta. Hei a dhros rag bleus gwydn fîn, delivrys gen kertys. Lebmyn thew hei forsakys ha ma othom a vòna rag hy sawya. Ma trigys warnedhy ha lettys oll adro dhedhy. Diantel ew hei. Hei alja codha a les. An gorvarhas a wrüg kelly radn a'y park kerry. 

Do you drive to Hayle? Did you ever go by bus towards Penzance or St Ives? Perhaps you have seen Loggans Mill by a supermarket. It was a flour mill for many years. The first mill there was perhaps in the 15th century. This building is not that old! There was a bad fire in the 19th century and the mill was rebuilt. It produced fine white flour, delivered by vans. Now it is abandoned and money is needed to save it. There is scaffolding on it and barriers all around it. It is dangerous. It could fall apart. The supermarket has lost part of its carpark.

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