Tuesday, 31 May 2022

2022 Day 151

2022 Dedh Cans Üdnek ha Dewgens

De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Me
Tuesday, 31st May

An diwettha dedh a vis Me ha gellys ew gwenton. Hanter tremmîs ew, ha ma whans dhe oll an bes a vos dhe'n treth. Pur vesy ew an vorrow (fordhow). Nei eth bys en Tewyn Plustry ewedh - ha piw alja agan blamya? Otta treth bian, eborn blou, mor blou, heb gwens, pecar'a hav ew. Saw ew an dowr (nag eus mordarth obma) - ha ma gwithyjy-treth dhe vires orth an düs. Nei a wrüg mires orth an düs ha'n golanes war an to a wrüg mires orth an düs. An chôka ma a wrüg agan whithra. Eus boos?

The last day of May and spring is gone. It's half term and all the world wants to go to the beach. The roads are very busy. We went to Newquay too - and who could blame us? Here's a little beach, blue sky, blue sea, without wind, it's like summer. The water is safe (no surf here) and there are beach guards to watch the people. We watched the people and the gulls on the roof watched the people. This jackdaw studied us. Is there any food?

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