Soweth, na aljama mos dhe'n bagas art nehewer. Rag hedna na wrüga vy gweles Nina Worrall ow hònan. Hy awen rag an gordhûher o an myllys rüdh en Pentir West. Mis Efen ew an gwelha mis dh'aga gweles. Ma hei longya dhe wil hevelebow a vestes. Nehewer hei a ûsyas paper bes terweythyow ma hei ow ûsya paly, canfas po lehednow. Georgia O'Keefe a bayntyas myllys ewedh - hûjes hevelebow a'n flourys.
Unfortunately, I couldn't go to the art group yesterday evening. Therefore I did not see Nina Worrall myself. Her inspiration for the evening was the red poppies in West Pentire. June is the best month to see them. She usually does portraits of animals. Last night she used paper but sometimes she uses velour, canvas or slates. Georgia O'Keefe also painted poppies - huge portraits of the flowers.
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