2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Seytek
De Yow, seythves mis Ebrel
Thursday, 7th April
"Na vedh tredan dhe whei." Hedna a veu an messach dhort an company. "Ma othom dhe nei a drehy nebes gwedh ha derevel gwern electrek nowydh. Res ew dhen gwil whel war an linednow ewedh." Etho nei eth bys en Truru rag pig breghlin Covid niver pajar. My a welas deffrans en Truru. Ma edhnigow dhe'n kelebmy ogas dhe'n varhas. Ha pandr'ew an gòlow blou ow colôwy? Disposyans Bòbm Morlû Riel. Eus bòbm en Truru? Nei a dheuth tre, ha pandr'ew hebma? Terrys ew agan kern. Res ew dhen croffolas dhe'n company electrek.
"You will have no electricity." That was the message from the company. "We need to cut some trees and erect a new electricity mast. We must do work on the lines too." So we went to Truro for Covid vaccination number four. I saw a difference in Truro. The pigeons near the market have chicks. And what is the blue flashing light? Royal Navy Bomb Disposal! Is there a bomb in Truro? We came home, and what is this? Our concrete is broken. We must complain to the electricity company.
Nebes geryow rag hedhyw. Some words for today.
bòbm (m) bomb
croffolas to complain
golôwy to flash <gòlow (m) light
kelebmy (pl) pigeons or doves < colom (f)
kern (m) concrete
Morlû Riel (m) Royal Navy
pig breghlin (m) vaccination, jab
tredan (m) electricity (also electrek)
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