Friday, 1 April 2022

2022 Day 91

2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens  hag Üdnek

De Gwener, kensa mis Ebrel
Friday, 1st April

E'n dedhyow an Romans âwncyent, an kensa jorna en pub mis o an "calends". An ger a veu kemerys emann e'n tavas Kernôwek aval "Calan" po "Halan". Hedhyw ew "Calan Ebrel" ("dedh bobbys Ebrel" en Sowsnek). An kensa dedh mis Dû  ew Calan Gwav (po Du Halan Gwav). Ma Du Halan an Vledhen ewedh, an kensa dedh an vledhen nowydh. En mis Me ma dhen "Cala Me". Eus gwelys genowgh gesyow bobbys Ebrel hedhyw? Thera dhen howlsplan teg hanter dedh, saw my a welas foto a ergh en Truru (meur ras CornwallLive). A veu hedna ges? Na veu! Gwir o, keth o còtt, en mettin avarr.

In the days of the ancient Romans, the first day in every month was the "calends". The word was taken up in the Cornish language as "Calan" or "Halan". Today is the first of  April ("April Fools' Day" in English). The first day of November is the first of Winter. There is the first day of the year as well, the first day of the new year. In May we have first of May (May Day). Have you seen any April fools jokes today? We had beautiful sunshine at midday, but I saw a photo of snow in Truro (thank you CornwallLive). Was that a joke? No! It was real, though brief, in the early morning.

Building up our Cornish language Part 19b
Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 19b

Let us continue looking at the use of gwil~gül to do~make as an auxiliary verb.

Here is the preterite (simple past tense) which is widely used with other verbs to make a past tense. The following forms are mainly used for questions and negative statements.


1 sg: wrügam, wrüga vy 

2 sg: wress ta, wrüss ta, wress ta jy 

3 sg: wrüg,

m: wrüg ev, wrüg e,

f: wrüg hei;

(When the meaning is 'made': wras after subject )

1 pl: wressen, wressa nei 

2 pl: wressow(gh), wrügow(gh), wrüga whei, wressa whei

3 pl: wrüssons, wrügons, wrüg anjei  

However, the most useful word to remember is the neutral 3rd person singular wrüg - used with all persons for affirmative statements,

Here are some examples:

A wrüss ta desky Kernôwek hedhyw? Did you learn any Cornish today?

My a wrüg desky nebes Kernôwek de. I learnt some Cornish yesterday. (I did/made learning some Cornish yesterday.)

Wrüga whei redya an lever nowydh? Did you read the new book?

Na wrüg! No!

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