2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Peswardhek
De Lün, pajwora mis Ebrel
Monday, 4th April
Ellama comendya an dyllansow ma. Whei ell redya moy en Kernôwek hag ow tòchya Kernow, mars eus whans dhewgh. Ma artickels war lies matter. Ma gwersyow, puslow, folednow rag flehes, daswelyow levrow ha meur moy.
May I recommend these publications. You can read more in Cornish and about Cornwall, if you want. There are articles on many subjects. There are poems, puzzles, pages for children, book reviews and much more.
Building up our Cornish language Part 21a
Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 21a
So far, we have been working on the verbs bos to be, being
and gwil/gül to do/make, doing/making.
We have had a good look at adverb expressions for the past.
Now we need to look at more general expressions of time, starting with the days of the week.
You can sing the following list (from Sunday to Saturday)
to the tune of Clementine:
Ema seyth dedh, ema seyth dedh,
ema seyth dedh en seythen,
De Sül, De Lün, De Meurth, De Merher,
De Yow, De Gwener, De Sadorn.
ema ~ ma (SWFM yma) = there is/there are
Note: Usually we use "ma", but "ema" gives us an extra syllable to fit the tune.
Here are a few ways of using days of the week in sentences.
Na wrüga vy dos dhe'n eglos ma De Sül eus tremenys.
I did not come to this church last Sunday.
Note: "eus tremenys" or "eus passyes" can be used
with any past period of time (year, month, day, etc.)
War an Sül e vedha lies ordenal en eglosyow.
On Sundays there are many services in churches. (habitual)
E'n dedhyow coth, gòlhy o gwres war an Lün.
In the olden days, washing was done on Mondays.
Note: "war an" can be used to say "on" any repeated day of the week, omitting "De", for regular activities.
Note: gwres (SWFM gwrys) is the verbal adjective from gwil/gül
Ev a wra mos tre De Meurth.
He will go home on Tuesday.
Eus marhas en Pensans De Yow ma?
Is there a market in Penzance (on) this Thursday?
A wressa whei mos dhe'n shoppys De Gwener?
Did you go to the shops on Friday?
Note: you do not need to use "war" to say "on" any specific day.
Pub secònd Meurth e vedh nebes nowydh.
Every second Tuesday
(On alternate Tuesdays)
(Every other Tuesday)
there will be something new.
Note: You can use "pub secònd" with any day of the week.
De Merher dhe nos e veu kefewy dhe nei.
On Wednesday night we had a party.
Note: You can put "dhe nos" after any day of the week
for the appropriate night.
Üjy dha vabm pobas hogednow luck ken De Sadorn?
Is your mum baking enough pasties before Saturday?
Note: You can put "ken" before any day of the week.
In some expressions you will see "kens",
e.g. kens lebmyn before (now)
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