So, we know the past is over and done with, but how do we choose which past tense to use?
Do you agree with the following choices? I include some adverbs of time.
Helen Troy o pur deg. Helen of Troy was very beautiful.
Demedhys veu hei dhe Menelaus. She was married to Menelaus.
Cleopatra o teg ewedh. Cleopatra was beautiful too.
Hei o Metêrnes Ejyp. She was Queen of Egypt.
Hei a veu demedhys dhe Roman. She was married to a Roman.
Shakespeare o scrifer marthys. Shakespeare was a wonderful writer.
What is the past tense of this?
Ma dhodho trei flogh. He has 3 children.
E veu dhodho trei flogh. He had three children.
Thera dhodho trei flogh bes Hamnet a verwas.
He had three children but Hamnet died.
Kernow o pow gwels. Cornwall was a wild country.
Lys Kernow a veu derevys en Truru. County Hall was built in Truro.
Thera an Vetêrnes Pow Frenk ow triga en palys.
The Queen of France was living in a palace.
Hei o pur deg bes nag o hei wheg.
She was very beautiful but she wasn't kind.
Nag o hei meurgerys. She was not much loved (popular).
Hei a veu dibednys. She was beheaded.
Ow dama vy o benyn hir ha crev. My mother was a tall strong woman.
Kens hy droglam, an vowes a veu bewek.
Before her accident, the girl was lively.
Using veu (preterite) with a verbal adjective (past participle) is simple.
My a veu genys termyn hir alebma. I was born a long time ago.
Chei vy a veu derevys nanj ew termyn hir.
My house was built a long time ago.
An pasty a veu pebys de. The pasty was baked yesterday.
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