Tuesday, 27 August 2019

2019 Day 239

Dedh Dew Cans Nawnjek warn Ügens 

De Meurth, seythves warn ügens mis Est
Tuesday, 27th August

De Meurth ew jorna rag coffy, cowl ha Kernôwek. My a vetyas gans o howethesow en chei coffy gelwys “Lily's” en Truru. Ha my o mos war tûa Stret Pedera my a gerdhas dres an beneglos. Ma blejyowek ledan, gen lowr flourys a bùb ehen, nessa dhe'n vos - rag "Truru Gwels". Nei a dhabras cowl caretys ha coriander spîsyes gen trogh a limaval glas - delicyous dhe dhebry. En kettermyn, en Ty war'n Heyl, ma whath routh veur a havyjy war an treth. Gellys vedh anjei scon. An shoppas a vedh degëys rag gwav. Ma boutik skichow – ma whans dhe'n perhen dhe wakhe y stylednow. My a bernas copel a skichow ort pris isel.

Tuesday is a day for coffee, soup and Cornish language. I met friends in a café called “Lily's” in Truro. As I was going to Pydar Street I walked past the cathedral. There is a wide flower bed, with plenty of flowers of all kinds, next to the wall - for "Wild Truro". We ate spicy carrot and coriander soup with a slice of lime – delicious to eat. Meanwhile, in Perranporth, there is still a crowd of summer visitors on the beach. They will be gone soon. The shops will be closed down for winter. There is a shoe boutique – the owner wants to empty his shelves. I bought a pair of shoes cheaply.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

blejyowek (f) flower bed
boutik (f) boutique
chei coffy (m) café
cowethesow (f. pl) friends > o howethesow my friends
gwakhe (v)  to empty/emptying dhe wakhe to empty (gwag empty)
havyjy (pl) summer visitors (hav summer)
limaval glas (m) lime (citrus)
peneglos (f) cathedral an beneglos the cathedral
skichow (pl) shoes (also skijyow)
spîsyes (a) spicy

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