Trei Hansves
Dedh ha Trei
De Merher,
üdnegves warn ügens mis Hedra.
31st October
Thew Gool Halan Gwav po Nos
Halan Gwav (Samhain e’n lever-dedhyow Keltek pagan coth). Ma howlsedhes o
merkya diwedh hav ha’n seson trevajow ha dallath gwav. Gellys ew hanter golow
an vledhen ha ma hanter tewal an vledhen o toas. Avorow a vedh Du Halan Gwav po
Degol a’n Ollsens en lever-dedhyow Cristyon. An gordhûher ma ew gerys da gen
flehes. Mowns o cül lugarnow dhort pompyons. Ma lies pompyon e’n shoppas. Da ew
gen flehes knackya war dharjow ha leverel, “Higa po whegow!” Cowl pompyon avorow!
It’s Halloween (Samhain in the old pagan Celtic
calendar). Sunset marks the end of summer and the season of harvests and the
beginning of winter. The light half of the year has gone and the dark half of
the year is coming. Tomorrow will be All Saints’ Day in the Christian calendar.
This evening is popular with children. They make lanterns from pumpkins. There
are lots of pumpkins in the shops. Children like to knock on doors and say, “Trick
or treat!”
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