Sunday, 31 March 2024

2024 Day 91

2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Üdnek

De Sül, üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurth.

Du Pask

Sunday, 31st March

Easter Day

En bledhydnyow kens an flehes wydn alja whilas aga oyow Pask et ow lowarth bras. Kensena ow gour alja gwitha an lowarth, bes en vledhen ma nag ew y yehes pur dha ha'n lowarth ew dirowl ha pur leb. Na alja nei cüdha oyow veth rag Scovarnek Pask. Na fors! Contentys o an flehes gen whilas e'n lowarth bian ow mergh. Thew hedna dirowl ewedh, saw moy es o rag an flehes dhe gavas aga oyow.

In previous years the grandchildren could look for their Easter eggs in my big garden. Previously my husband could look after the garden, but this year his health is not very good and the garden is uncontrolled and very wet. We couldn't hide any eggs for Easter Hare. No matter! The children were contented with searching in my daughter's small garden. That is uncontrolled as well, but it was easier for the children to find their eggs.

Deg ger rag hedhyw. Ten words for today

contentys contented, pleased, satisfied

cüdha to hide

dirowl uncontrolled, wild

flehes wydn grandchildren < flogh gwydn ~ wydn (m/f)

gleb wet > pur leb very wet

gwitha to look after, keep

kens previous > kensena previously

mergh (f) daughter

na fors no matter

yehes (m) health

Saturday, 30 March 2024

2024 Day 90

2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Deg

De Sadorn, degves warn ügens mis Meurth.

Saturday, 30th March

De Sadorn Pask ew. En termyn eus passyes tho an kehesnos gwenton ha’n nessa loor leun sans dhe’n dhuwes Saxon Ostara po Eostre. Düwes o hei an arvester ha tevyans nowydh. Cristyons Sowsnek a wras devnydh  a’n hanow rag “Easter”, degol ow merkya dasserhyans Crist. Ma Kernôwegoryon ow ûsya an hanow “Pask” dhort an ger en Latin “pascha”. An arwodhyow Ostara ew an scovarnek (best gen scovarnow hir) ha oyow. Da ew gen flehes whilas oyow (choclat) cüdhys gen Scovarnek (po Cònin) Pask. 

Pask lowen re bo dhe whei oll avorow.


Saturday, 30th March. It is Easter Saturday. In past times the spring equinox and the next full moon were sacred to the Saxon goddess Ostara or Eostre . She was the goddess of fertility and new growth. English Christians made use of the name for “Easter”, the festival marking the resurrection of Christ. Cornish speakers use the name “Pask” from the Latin word “pascha”. The symbols of Ostara are the hare (an animal with long ears) and eggs. Children like to look for eggs (chocolate) hidden by Easter Hare (or Rabbit). 

May you all have a Happy Easter tomorrow.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

arvester (m) fertility

cònin (m) rabbit

dasserhyans ~ dasserhans (m) resurrection (SWFM dasserghyans)

duwes (f) goddess

gwil devnydh a to make use of

Kernôwegoryon Cornish speakers

oyow eggs < oy (m)

scovarnek (m) hare < scovarn (m) ear

tevyans (m) grow < tevy to grow

whilas to look for

Friday, 29 March 2024

2024 Day 89

2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Naw

De Gwener, nawes warn ügens mis Meurth

Friday, 29th March

De a veu Du Yow Hablys. Pecar dr'ew an vaner an jedh ma, an Vetêrnes (rag an Metêrn) a ros Mòna Hablys dhe cans person ha hanter cans (trei ügens den ha pemdhek ha trei ügens benyn ha pemdhek, drefen bos bloodh an Metêrn trei ügens ha pemdhek). Keniver den ha benyn a fanjas pors rüdh ha pors gwydn, gen bathow bathys en specyal - gwres en Bathva an Metêrn. Ma bath pemp pens gen dragon Tudor, bath hantercans dineren ow merkya gool dew cans bloodh Institûcyon Riel Scathow-Sawya an Pow. Ewedh, ma dinerednow arhans specyal (üdn diner, dew dhiner, trei diner ha pajar diner) rag bloodh an Metêrn.

Yesterday was Maundy Thursday. As is the way on this day, the Queen (for the King) gave Maundy Money to 150 people (75 men and 75 women, because the King is 75 years old). Each man and woman received a red purse and a white purse, with specially minted coins - made in the Royal Mint. There is a £5 coin with a Tudor dragon and a 50 pence coin marking the bicentenary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Also, there are special silver pennies (1p, 2p, 3p and 4p) for the King's age.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

an Pow national (of the land)

arhans (m) silver

bathow coins < bath (m)

Bathva an Metêrn (f) the Royal (King's) Mint

bathys minted

De (Du) Yow Hablys Maundy Thursday

dineren (f) penny (coin) > (pl. dinerednow)

institûcyon (m) institution

riel royal

scath-sawya (m) lifeboat  

Thursday, 28 March 2024

2024 Day 88

2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Eth

De Yow, ethves warn ugens mis Meurth

Thursday, 28th March

Res ew dhebm scrifa nebes geryow ow tòchya an gewer. Thera nei ow fônya nebonan ha leverel, "Fatla genowgh ha fatel ew an gewer e'n costys whei?" Nei a venja godhvos mars ew an gewer ena gwell po lacka vel an gewer òbma. En Kernow hedhyw thera dhen nebes ehen a gewer. E veu ergh en Lanstefan. E veu keser en Truru. En Peran Treth thera dhen howl, gwens ha galshyow glaw oll an jorna. Nag era tòbmder brâs dhe nagonan vetholl.

I have to write some words concerning the weather. We phone someone and say, "How are you and what's the weather like in your locality?" We'd like to know if the weather there is better or worse than the weather here. In Cornwall today we had several types of weather. There was snow in Launceston. There was hail in Truro. In Perranzabuloe we had sun, wind and heavy showers of rain all day. Nobody at all had any great warmth.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

costys (pl.) locality

ena there

ergh (m) snow

gòdhvos ~ gòdhos to know

gwell better

gweth worse (can also use lacka)

keser (coll.) hail > keseren (f) hailstone

òbma here (SWFM omma)

ow tòchya concerning

vetholl at all

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

2024 Day 87

2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Seyth

De Merher, seythves warn ügens mis Meurth

Wednesday, 27th March

Mirowgh emann! Pandr'ello whei gweles? My ell gweles gwedh. Ma buddys saw whath nag eus lies delen war aga branchys, etho my ell gweles edhyn heb lett. Bargas a neyjas bys e'n enwedhen, hag oll an edhyn erel a neyjas dhe ves. Anjei a wrüg dos tre, saw na re ogas. Ello whei agas gweles?

Look up! What can you see? I can see trees. There are buds but still there are not many leaves on their branches, so I can see birds easily. A buzzard flew into the ash tree, and all the other birds flew away. They did come back, but not too close. Can you see them?

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

bargas (m) buzzard

edhyn (SWFM ydhyn) birds < edhen (f) bird

emann up (SWFM yn-bann)

enwedhen (f) ash tree

erel other (plural) < aral (singular)

gwedh (SWFM gwydh) trees > gwedhen (f)

heb lett easily, unhindered

mirowgh look (imp.) < mires to look

neyja to fly (also to swim)

ogas near

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

2024 Day 86

2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Whegh

De Meurth, wheffes warn ügens mis Meurth

Tuesday, 26th March

Ma paler ow palas e'n vorr reb an eglos. A vedh an whel cowldiwedhys ken Pask? Whath ma whel aral e'n vorr war nans. Nag eus kerry veth, saw ma vannys rag an company tredan ha'n company dowr. Nag eus gover ow resek e'n vorr hedhyw. Gellys ew an dowr cler. Dre hevel nag eus fenten veth. Thera pib dhowr ow sygüra dadn an vorr. Ownys ew lebmyn. Nag eus bes lysten a leyj melyn reb an ke.

There is a excavator digging in the road by the church. Will the work be completed before Easter? There is still other work in the road downhill. There aren't any cars at all, but there are vans - for the electricity company and the water company. There is no stream running in the road today. The clear water is gone. Seemingly there is no spring. There was a water pipe leaking under the road. It is now mended. There is just a stripe of yellow mud by the hedge.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

dre hevel (SWFM dell hevel) seemingly

fenten ~ venten (f) spring

gellys gone

gover (m) stream

leyj ~ leys (m) mud, slime

owna to mend, repair > ownys repaired

paler (m) excavator

pib (f) pipe

resek to run

sygüra to leak

Monday, 25 March 2024

2024 Day 85

2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Pemp

De Lün, pempes warn ügens mis Meurth

Monday, 25th March

Gwrewgh dos bys en Kernow! Ma ayr er lowr dhen en mis Meurth. Ma bohes daromres mars ew degëys an vorrow (fordhow)! Ma lies telher calish y hedhes, bes whei ell eva an cres ha coseleth. Ma dowr er dhen ewedh. Terweythyow ma va ow resek e'n vorr. Ma lies fenten reb an vorr (po et an vorr) woja an glaw, ha'n dowr a res resek war nans. En hav e vedh dhen fowt a dhowr.

Come to Cornwall! We have plenty of fresh air in March. There is little traffic if the roads are closed! There are many inaccessible places, but you can absorb the peace and quiet. We have fresh water too. Sometimes it runs in the road. There are many springs by the road (or in the road) after the rain, and the water must run downhill. In summer we'll have water shortage.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

ayr (m) air (also tune)

bohes slight, few, small amount, etc.

calish y hedhes inaccessible, hard to reach

coseleth (f) quiet(ness)

cres (m) peace

daromres (m) traffic

er ~ yr fresh

eva to absorb, drink, soak up, etc.

mar ~ mars if

telher (m) place, location