Tuesday, 31 May 2022

2022 Day 151

2022 Dedh Cans Üdnek ha Dewgens

De Meurth, üdnegves warn ügens mis Me
Tuesday, 31st May

An diwettha dedh a vis Me ha gellys ew gwenton. Hanter tremmîs ew, ha ma whans dhe oll an bes a vos dhe'n treth. Pur vesy ew an vorrow (fordhow). Nei eth bys en Tewyn Plustry ewedh - ha piw alja agan blamya? Otta treth bian, eborn blou, mor blou, heb gwens, pecar'a hav ew. Saw ew an dowr (nag eus mordarth obma) - ha ma gwithyjy-treth dhe vires orth an düs. Nei a wrüg mires orth an düs ha'n golanes war an to a wrüg mires orth an düs. An chôka ma a wrüg agan whithra. Eus boos?

The last day of May and spring is gone. It's half term and all the world wants to go to the beach. The roads are very busy. We went to Newquay too - and who could blame us? Here's a little beach, blue sky, blue sea, without wind, it's like summer. The water is safe (no surf here) and there are beach guards to watch the people. We watched the people and the gulls on the roof watched the people. This jackdaw studied us. Is there any food?

Monday, 30 May 2022

2022 Day 150

2022 Dedh Cans ha Hanter Cans
De Lün, degves warn ügens mis Me
Monday, 30th May

Terweythyow ma othom a checkya an lagajow. Me eth bys en Tewyn Plustry dhe'n opticyanes. Nag ew chànjys ow lagajow, ha saw ens. An dre o pur vesy. Hanter tremmîs ew. Ma flehes oll adro! Ma tüs ow tiwrosa en lent. Nag o lewyer an kyttrin pur lôwen! Bettegens, tho an treth ha'n mor pur deg - ha gwag lowr.

Sometimes there is a need to check ones eyes. I went to Newquay to the optician's. My eyes have not changed, and they are healthy. The town was very busy. It is half-term. There are children all around! There are people cycling slowly. The bus driver wasn't very happy! However, the beach and the sea were very lovely - and fairly empty.

Sunday, 29 May 2022

2022 Day 149

2022 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Naw

De Sül, nawhes warn ügens mis Me
Sunday, 29th May

Ass ew pur dha genam mis Me! Awel wheg ha flourys teg. Nei a gerdhas dhe'n gwelyow a-warra. Planjys ens gen barlys po  gwaneth, theram ow pedery, saw nag ew an plansow pur hir. Glas (gwer) ew an gwelyow ha glas (blou) ew an mor. Whath ma'n post yet ena, ma dhodho semblans a dhen coth gen barv. Marthys teg ew an keow gen ros gwels, gwedhros, bleujow scaw, manegow rüdh, soudoryon, kegis bûgh ha lesamogh. Whath nag ew hager an linas - ma flourys purpur dhodhans. 

How I love May! Nice weather and beautiful flowers. We walked to the upper fields. They are planted with barley or wheat, I think, but the plants aren't very tall. The fields are green and the sea is blue. The gate post is still there. It looks like an old man with a beard. The hedgerows are wonderfully beautiful, with wild roses, honeysuckle, elder flowers, foxgloves, red campion, cow parsley and hogweed. Even the stinging nettles aren't ugly - they have purple flowers.

Saturday, 28 May 2022

2022 Day 148

2022 Dedh Cans Dogens hag Eth

De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Me
Saturday, 28th May

E'n mettin, my a gowsas war Zoom gen nebes Kernôwegoryon da. Practis vas. Hedna a wrüg gweres dhebm. E'n dohajedh, my eth dhe'n treth gen cowethes ow mergh wydn ha dew vab bian. Hedna a wrüg gweres dhedhy tabm! Otta neppeth dhe weres dhewgh gen agas Kernôwek. (Ma esperans dhebm.)

In the morning, I chatted on Zoom with some good Cornish speakers. Useful practice. That helped me. I the afternoon, I went to the beach this my grand-daughter's friend and two little boys. That helped her a bit! Here's something to help you with your Cornish. (I hope.)

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 27a

Building up our Cornish language Part 27a

We have looked at imperatives using bos and gwil as auxiliary verbs.

But do the orders or instructions coincide with what you want to do 

or what you can do? Here are some extra verbs that will help.


As a noun, gallos means might, power, ability, talent, etc.

As a verb it helps us to say what we can, can't, could or couldn't do.

Because it is used with a verbal particle a (there by implication) or na

the initial <g> usually disappears. 

However, after mar and a, meaning if, 

we find the <g> mutated to <k> instead.

Present – Future

1 sg ellam ~ allam, ellama ~ allama, ella vy ~ alla vy

2 sg elles, elles ta, ’lesta

3 sg ell,

m: ell e, ell ev,

f: ell, ell hei

1 pl ellen, ellen nei

2 pl ellow(gh), ello whei

3 pl allons, allon’ jei

Conditional - Imperfect

1 sg aljam, aljama, alja vy

2 sg aljes, aljes ta, alja chy

3 sg alja,

m: aljava, alja e ~ ev,

f: alja hei

1 pl aljen, alja nei

2 pl aljow(gh), aljo whei

3 pl aljens, alja anjei

Let's see how these fit in with some other things we have already looked at, using the main verb mos to go and adverb a-jei in/indoors/inside, etc.as an example of context.

My ell mos a-jei. I can go in.

Ella vy mos a-jei? Can I go in?

Na ellama mos a-jei. I cannot go in.

My alja mos a-jei. I could go in.

Alja vy mos a-jei? Could I go in?

Na aljama mos a-jei. I couldn't go in.

Elles ta mos a-jei? Can you go in?

Na elles ta mos a-jei? Can't you go in?

Alja chy mos a-jei? Could you go in?

Na alja chy mos a-jei? Couldn't you go in?

You should already be able to understand these:

Piw üjy ow mos a-jei? Who is going in?

Thera vy ow mos a-jei. I am going in.

Nag era vy ow mos a-jei. I am not going in.

Piw a wrüg mos a-jei? Who went in?

My wrüg mos a-jei. I went in.

A wrüssta mos a-jei? Did you go in?

Na wrüga vy mos a-jei. I did not go in.

Da ew genam mos a-jei. I like going in.

Ew da genes mos a-jei? Do you like going in?

Nag ew da genam mos a-jei. I do not like going in.

Gwra mos a-jei! Go in!

Na wra mos a-jei! Don't go in!

Gas vy dhe vos a-jei! Let me go in!

My a res mos a-jei. I must go in.

Res ew dhebm mos a-jei. I have to go in.

Nag ew res dhebm mos a-jei. I do not have to go in.

Friday, 27 May 2022

2022 Day 147

 2022 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Seyth

De Gwener, seythves warn ügens mis Me
Friday, 27th May

Hedhyw my a wrüg gòlhy bern vrâs a dhilhas, saw nag ew hedna pur dhe les! My a scrifas descans nowydh rag flehes, ha thew hedna nebes moy dhe les. An flehes a res descrifa treven ha rekna beistry. Ellowgh whei y wil? E'n men termyn gwrewgh mires orth tabm a dhescans coth.

Today I washed a large heap of clothes, but that is not very interesting. I wrote a new lesson for children, and that is somewhat more interesting. The children must describe houses and count windows. Can you do it? Mean while look at a bit of an old lesson.

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek 26b
Building up our Cornish Language 26b

We will finish off our look at imperatives with the third person of gwil.

e.g. For gwil/gül

Gwrens e mos!

Let him go!

Gwrens hei desky Kernôwek!

Let her learn Cornish!

Gwrens debry tesen!

Let them eat cake!

Gwrens anjei dos!

Let them come!

Gwrens bos gordhys.

They are to be congratulated.

neb na whetho, gwrens fanya

let he who does not blow, fan. PC

gwrens plansow gwer tevy war an dor

let green plants grow on the earth (Jenesys 1:11)

You can still use gara with a third person object

e.g. Gerowgh an flehes vian dhe dhos dhebm!

Let the little children come to me! (Mathew 19:14)

While we are thinking about things that have to be done (or must not be done) let's look at res (a defective verb which also acts like an adjective). As a verb, it can be used with any personal pronoun (or other form of subject) or none (the impersonal form).

My a res entra a-jei} {I must come in.

Res ew dhebm entra a-jei.} {I have to come in.

Thew res entra a-jei. One must come in. 

Thursday, 26 May 2022

2022 Day 146

2022 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Whegh

De Yow, wheffes warn ügens mis Me
Thursday, 26th May

Otta vy! Nag eus dhebm tra veth dhe leverel. My a scrifas descans nowydh rag flehes. Res ew dhebm scrifa descans aral rag tüs cowldevys. Otta radn a dhescans coth!

Here I am! I don't have anything to say. I wrote a new lesson for children. I must write another lesson for grownup people. Here's part of an old lesson!

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 26a

Building up our Cornish language Part 26a

So far, we have looked at direct imperatives to the second person and indirect orders involving ourselves. Sometimes only two people are involved, sometimes it could be many, with all numbers in between!

e.g. For bos

Bedh lôwenek! Be cheerful!

Bedhowgh war! Be careful!

Na vedh mar wòcky! Don't be so silly!

Na vedhowgh dibreder! Don't be rash!

Gas vy bos cosel! Let me be quiet!

Gero nei bos lowenek! Let us be merry!

There is also a first person plural imperative of bos, not using gara:

Bedhen (Bedhyn) gwiskys! Let's get dressed!

e.g. For gwil/gül

Gwra entra! Do come in!

Gwrewgh sedha dor! Do sit down!.

Na wra mos dei! Don't go there!

Na wrewgh eva re! Don't drink too much!

Gas vy dhe wil ow sians! Let me do my own thing!

Gero nei dhe wil tesednow! Let's make cakes!

Gas vy dhe entra a-jei! Let me come in!

Gero nei gweles! Let's see!

That leaves imperatives involving the third person singular or plural. We have several examples from the old mystery and miracle plays and the Bible:

e.g. For bos:

bedhans mar freth dell vedna

let him be as insistent as he wishes BK

bedhens en-mes exilyes

let them be exiled OM

qwyck heb hockya bedhens gwres

let them be made/done quick PC

bedhens formyes ort ow bres

let them be formed according to my mind OM

gen pêk bedhens stanch gwres

may they be waterproofed with pitch WJ

bedhens golow!

let there be light! (Jenesys 1:3)

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

2022 Day 145

2022 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Pemp
Picture: Alamy

De Merher, pempes warn ügens mis Me
Wednesday, 25th May

Thera nei oll ow tegy dilhas. An brâssa radn agan dilhas ew gwres a herlys. Herlys ell gwil gwias. Gwlânweyth, gwia ha gwreha ew creftow vas rag gwil dilhas. Gweythoryon ha gweythoresow najedh ell gwil dilhas rag aga hònan  ha rag tüs erel. Po anjei ell gwil taclow ran an chei. Ma cherita ow tesky gweyth najedh (naja) dhe bresners ha presnoresow. Martesen anjei a vedh moy anserhek. Ma lowarth dhe'n cherita en Sho Chelsea - Lowarth Gwriader. Ma plansow rag herlys ha liwyow - ha ma clòjyow gwethys.

We all wear clothes. Most of our clothes are made of fibres. Fibres can make fabric. Knitting, weaving and sewing are useful skills for making clothes. Needle-men and needlewomen can make clothes for themselves and for other people. Or they can make things for the house. A charity teaches needlework to prisoners. Perhaps they will be more independent. The charity has a garden in Chelsea Show - The Stitchers Garden. There are plants for fibres and dyes - and there are woven hurdles.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

2022 Day 144

2022 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Pajar

De Meurth, pajwora warn ügens mis Me
Tuesday, 24th May

Ew da genowgh mires ort lowarthow? En Sho Flourys Chelsea ma nawnjek lowarth warn ügens. Terdhek anodhans ew Lowarthow Sho. An re ma ew an brâssa.  Mons ow tisqwedhes an gwelha en desîn lowarth ha gonis plansow. Ma dewdhek Lowarth Clôs, pajar Lowarth Balyak, pemp Lowarth Argh, pajar lowarth Oll A-dro dhe Blansow hag üdn Lowarth Nas. Cres an Lowarth Nas ew pecar'a eskern gwenenen, oll an plansow ew rag an gwenen ha thew an flourys leun a nectar ha bleus a'n flourys. Ma glas lowr ewedh - rag Agan Planet Glas. Ma horn en üdn lowarth - pecar'a telher whelober forsakys. Rag fra thewa creiys "Derevel an Termyn a Vedn Dos"?

Do you like looking at gardens? I Chelsea Flower Show there are 39 gardens. Thirteen of them are Show Gardens. These are the largest. They demonstrate the best in garden design and plant growing. There are twelve Sanctuary Gardens, four Balcony Gardens, five Container Gardens, four All About Plants gardens and one Feature Garden. The centre of the Feature Garden is like a bee's wing, all the plants are for the bees and the flowers are full of nectar and pollen. There is plenty of green too - for Our Green Planet. There is iron in one garden - like an abandoned industrial site. Why is it called "Building the Future"?

Geryow rag Hedhyw: Words for Today

argh (m) container
balyak (m) balcony
bleus a'n flourys (m) pollen
clôs (m) sanctuary
derevel to build, erect, raise
forsakya to abandon, forsake
horn (m) iron
nas (m) feature
termyn a vedn dos (m) the future
whelober (m) manufacturing, industry