Wednesday, 30 January 2019

2019 Day 30

Dedh Deg warn Ügens

De Merher, degves warn ügens mis Genver
Wednesday, 30th January
Ma semblans nowydh dhe’n gorsav kyttrin en Truru. Radn ew a dowl rag drei Kernowek dhe düs neb na cows an tavas. Ma gwiasva nowydh rag gweres dhe düs desky dre maner es ha lôwenek. (Ma esperans dhodhans.) Gwedhen Owr a wrüg obery gen Consel Kernow. Gwedhen Owr a wrüg obery gen “Kensa Kernow” magata dhe wil stevel gòrtos “Go Cornish” ha kyttrin bras a-vesür. An kyttrin a vedh en Cay Lemon de Yow en mettin. 
There is a new look to the bus station in Truro. It’s part of a project for bringing Cornish to people who do not speak the language. There is a new website for helping people to learn in an accessible and fun way. (They hope.) Golden Tree has worked with Cornwall Council. Golden Tree has worked with First Kernow as well to create a Go Cornish waiting room and a big bespoke bus. The bus will be on Lemon Quay on Thursday morning.

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