Trei Hansves
Dedh Whetek ha Dogans
De Sül, tryja
warn ügens mis Kevardhû.
23rd December
Ma cân Nadelik da gen an
bobel adro dhe garow ergh (Rudolph). Thera dhodho min rüdh ha’n kerwas erel a’n
grevyas awos hedna. Saw flows ew hebma. Na ell kerwas ergh gweles an liw rüdh
(po rüdhvelyn) po glas avel liwyow diberthys. Nag eus dhodhans an killigow own
et aga lagajow. Na whath, anjei ell gweles golow ûghviolet, etho anjei ell
gweles kewny dadn an ergh. Gwres ew hedna rag bownans e’n ergh. Ha anjei ell
gweles bestas gwydn (na ellen nei gweles anjei) drefen bos UV dastewydnyes gen
ergh ha ma blew (ha kewny) owth y gemeres emann. Ma dhe gewny ha blew semblans
dû bedn ergh gwydn.
There is a popular Christmas song about a reindeer (Rudolph). He had a
red nose and the other reindeer teased him because of that. But this is
nonsense. Reindeer cannot see the colour red (or orange) or green as separate
colours. They do not have the right cells in their eyes. However, they can see
ultraviolet light, so they can see lichen (reindeer moss) under the snow. That
is adapted for life in the snow. And they can see white animals (we cannot see
them) because UV is reflected by snow and fur (and moss) absorbs it. Moss and
fur look black against white snow.
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