Trei Hansves
Dedh Dogens ha Trei
De Lün, degves
mis Kevardhû.
10th December
Na wrüga vy mos mes
hedhyw. Na veu an gewer re dhrog saw me a wòrtas tre. Ma branjen dhrog ha pâs
genam. Na wra vy mos mes avorow naneyl. Me a scrifas whedhel bian rag o bagas
scriforyon (nessa de Sadorn). Ma odhom a nebes aral ewedh, martesen gwers po
cân. An letherwas a dhros calander Sophie Blokker hedhyw, dhort agan cothmans en Zelond Nowydh.
Pur deg ew ev. Ma edhyn genejek gen gwelow war aga ascra. Mons ow rei dhebm
tybyans da rag o brithow o honan. Nag eus pedn gwydn na albatros veth en Kernow, bes me alja liwya choha (palores) gen aljow warnodho
a-der a-dhelher (a dhelergh) dhodho - po golan gen croust nebonan.
I didn’t
go out today. The weather wasn’t too bad but I stayed home. I have a sore
throat and cough. I shan’t go out tomorrow either. I wrote a little story for
my writers group (next Saturday). I need something else as well, perhaps a poem
or a song. The postman brought a Sophie Blokker calendar today, from our friends in New
Zealand. It is very lovely. There are native birds with scenes on their breast.
They give me a good idea for my own paintings. There are no penguins or albatrosses at all in Cornwall, but I could paint a chough with
cliffs on it rather than behind it - or a seagull with somebody's picnic.
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