2023 Dedh Deg warn Ügens
De Lün, degves warn Ügens mis Genver
Monday, 30th January
Nag eus tra veth dadn an mor en Porth Peran, marnas treth. Saw dadn an mor ogas dhe'n Carrek Loos e'n Coos ma gwedh coth treylyes dhe ven. Nei ell aga gweles en termyn mortid pur isel. Nei ell gweles gwreckys ort trig en Porth Reptor. Thens horn gossednek - gorholyon eth a'n oos Metêrnes Victoria. Anjei a veu resegys war an treth gen hager enawel.
There is nothing under the sea in St Piran's Cove, apart from sand. But below the sea near St Michael's Mount (the Grey Rock in the Wood) there are fossilised old trees. We can see them at a time of very low tide. We can see shipwrecks at low tide in Carbis Bay. They are rusted iron - Victorian steamships. They were run aground by a terrible storm.
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