Saturday, 7 January 2023

2023 Day 7

2023 Dedh Seyth

De Sadorn, seythves mis Genver

Saturday, 7th January

Terweythyow ma'n loor leun spladn ow sevel adhelher dhe'n ke ha'n gwedh brâs. Da ew genam an cloudys gwydn ha'n sethednow dû. Loor Bleydh ew hei bes, e'n gwelha pres, nag eus bleydh gwag obma! Nag eus bes keun gorvegys. Thera liw moy e'n jedh. Glas o an mor hedhyw. An dowr ha'n eborn o loos gen hynt a vlou, po blou gen hynt a loos. Bes ma'n menedh ow treylya melyn gen eythin. Ha ma nebes greun rüdhvelyn an lester môwsek.

Sometimes the bright full moon rises behind the edge and the big trees. I like the white clouds and the black twigs. It's a Wolf Moon but, luckily, there is no hungry wolf here. There are only overfed dogs. There was more colour in the day. Today the sea was blue-grey. The water and the sky were grey with a hint of blue, or blue with a hint of grey. But the hillside is turning yellow with gorse. And there are some orange berries of the stinking irises.

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