Thursday, 7 July 2022

2022 Day 188

 2022 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens  hag Eth

De Yow, seythves mis Gorefen

Thursday, 7th July

Dohajedh, gordhûher, nos ha mettin gen flehes wydn, ha skith o vy. Rag hedna, nag eus nerth genam dhe scrifa lies ger nowydh. Bettegens, otta radn a dhescans coth!

Afternoon, evening, night and morning with grandchildren, and I am tired. Therefore, I do not have enough energy to write many new words. However, here's part of an old lesson!

Did you supply the missing word(s) from the last lesson?

Na ellama leverel an geryow. I cannot say the words.

Chy a res mires ort an kerry. You must watch the cars.

Ma va ow mos tre. He is going home.

Hei wrüg pònya re üskis. She ran too fast.

Thera nei ow redya lether Jôwan. We are reading John's letter.

Whei a res rei meur a vòna. You have to give a lot of money.

Gerowgh anjei dhe scrifa war an vos.  Let them write on the wall.

Piw eus ow sedha et agan chayrys? Who is sitting in our chairs?

Na venja Jôwan sevel obma. John wouldn't want to stand here.

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 30a

Building up our Cornish language Part 30a

Here are some more everyday, domestic verbs 

(and some verbal adjectives derived from them):

bryjon to boil > bryjys boiled

fria to fry > friys fried

fyttya to prepare (cook) > fyttyes prepared

gòlhy to wash

gòrra to put

gweskel to beat, hit > gweskys beaten

hornya to iron < horn (m)

kemeres to take > kemerys taken

levena ~ levna to smooth leven smooth, even

owna to mend > ownys mended

parra to prepare > parrys ready

parüjy to prepare

pobas to bake > pebys baked

rôstya to roast > rôstys roasted

scrawya to grill > scrawys grilled, toasted

sqwacha to mash, smash > sqwachys smashed

tedna to pull > tednys pulled

terry to break > terrys broken

trehy to cut, chop > trehys chopped

Can you translate the following sentences into English?

1. Thera vy ow hornya ow hôta (côta).

2. Elles ta gòrra an dowr dhe vryjon (bryjon)?

3. Ev a venja debry bara scrawys.

4. Hei a wrüg fyttya agan boos nei.

5. Ma othom dhe nei a oyow gweskys rag crampethen oyow (omelette).

6. Vedno whei gòlhy an lestry (dishes)?

7. Mons ow pobas hogednow.

8. Piw wrüg rôstya an tettys?

9. Pandr'eus parrys rag aga li (lunch)?

10. Gwra fria dew oy!

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