2020 Dedh Dogens hag Onen
De Lün, degves mis Whevrel
Monday, 10th February
Thera meur a law e'n nos – agan arres ew pecar'a
Na ell an dowr voydya üskis lowr. Hedhyw ma prevys
gena nei
gena nei
res divers a gewer wavek, oll kemeskys. En kensa
thera howl
thera howl
gen gwens. Nena my a glowas crak taran, bes heb
luhesen - ha
luhesen - ha
thera whath howl. Nena, distowgh gellys o an howl
ha'n ebòrn a
ha'n ebòrn a
dreylyas dû. Luhes ha taran a-ûgh – ha pandr'o an
son na,
son na,
pecar'a poljow tabour? Keser, keserednow poos
war do an
war do an
losowjy. Hag oll an termyn – gwens e'n gwedh.
Eus prevys gena
Eus prevys gena
nei an keheja gwav leun? Nag eus, en gwelha pres –
nag eus
nag eus
ergh (whath)!
Ha ma nown dhe'n edhyn pub pres.
Ha ma nown dhe'n edhyn pub pres.
There was much rain in the night – our driveway is like
a marsh.
a marsh.
The water can't drain away fast enough.Today we have
a diverse range of wintery weather, all mixed up. First
there was sun
there was sun
with wind. Then I heard a thunder clap, but without a
lightning flash -
lightning flash -
and it was still sunny. Then, suddenly the sun had gone
and the sky
and the sky
turned black. Lightning and thunder overhead – and
what was that
what was that
sound, like drum beats? Hail, heavy hailstones on the
roof of the
roof of the
conservatory. And all the time – wind in the trees.
Have we
Have we
experienced winter's full extent? No, fortunately –
there's no snow
there's no snow
And the birds are always hungry.
And the birds are always hungry.
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
arres (m) driveway
crak taran (m) thunder clap
gwavek wintry
keheja (m) extent (you can also use hes or les)
kemeskys/kemyskys mixed
kenegen (f) march, swamp
keser (m) hail
pols/polj tabour (m) drum beat
prevy to experience (you can also use tastya or bewa)
res divers (m) diverse range
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