Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Nownjek
De Meurth, nawhes mis Ebrel
Tuesday, 9th April
Mettin pur dha - coffy hag “An Gwens e’n Helyk”. E’n lever ma nei a wel nebes bestas bian wheg- gòdh dhôr, logojen vrâs, dowrgy, cronak dû ha brogh (dorgy). Leowanas ha codna-gwydnas ew an dhrogwesyon. Ha me ow mos tre en vorr a-hes me a welas lies heligan reb an ryver bian hag en coos. Pur leb ew an coos. Da ew gen helyk dor gleb. Teg ew an helyk e’n eur-ma gen cathes helyk – pub onan gorherys gen blew fin ha bleus melyn an flourys.
A very good morning – coffee and “The Wind in the Willows”. In this book we see several sweet little animals – a mole, a rat, an otter, a toad and a badger. Stoats and weasels are the rogues. As I was going home along the road I saw lots of willow trees by the little river and in a wood. The wood is very wet. Willows like wet ground. The willows are currently beautiful with pussy-willow catkins – each one covered with fine hairs (i.e. fuzzy) and yellow pollen.
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