Saturday, 6 April 2019

2019 Day 96

Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Whetek
De Sadorn, wheffes mis Ebrel
Saturday, 6th April

Ma skyll owth apperya en mis Ebrel; skyll war wedh ha skyll war lies bleujen wels. Ma lavar coth ow ragleverel an gewer en hav. Mar teffa an derowen cawas skyll kens an enwedhen, nena na vedh dhen bes cowas vian.  Mar teffa an enwedhen cawas skyll kens an derowen, nena nei a vedh sür derbeudhys. Pur vian ew an skyll war dherowen et o lowarth. Martesen an hav a vedh gleb. Ma skyll war an blejyow an gôg ewedh, bes nag eus côg whath. Ma skyll war wedhen shirys ha war wedhen bloum. A vedh dhebm frûtys en hav?

Buds appear in April; buds on trees and buds on many wild flowers. There is an old saying predicting the weather in summer. If the oak is out before the ash, then we’ll only have a splash. If the ash is out before the oak, then we’ll really have a soak. The buds on an oak in my garden are very small. Perhaps the summer will be wet. There are buds on the bluebells (cuckoo flowers) as well, but there are no cuckoos yet. There are buds on a cherry tree and a plum tree. Will I have fruits in summer?

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