Saturday 12 October 2024

2024 Day 286

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Whegh 

De Sadorn, dewdhegves mis Hedra 

Saturday, 12th October 

Eus othom dhewgh a arwòdh nowydh rag neppeth? Desiner po artyst bew nag ew res hedhyw e'n jedh. Whei alja gofen ort 'AI' (skians creftüs). Ow mab a scrifas "Gwrewgh desina arwòdh gen cronek dû en gis Keltek." Hemm ew an diwedh. Eus desinoryon othobmek heb whel lebmyn? Gwell ew genam neppeth moy sempel.

Do you need a new logo for something? A living designer or artist is not necessary nowadays. You could ask AI (artificial intelligence). My son wrote "Design a logo with a black toad in a Celtic style." This is the result. Are there needy designers without work now? I prefer something simpler.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

artyst (m) artist

arwòdh (m) logo, symbol, sign

bew alive, living 

creftüs artificial

cronek ~ cranak dû (m) (black) toad

diwedh (m) end, result

gis (m) style

gofen ~ goven to ask

othom (m) need > othobmek needy

res necessary

skians (m) intelligence, learning

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