Thursday 3 October 2024

2024 Day 277

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Seytek 

De Yow, tryja mis Hedra  Thursday, 3rd October 

Hedhyw ma talla ragowgh, talla pajar savla-buss ha pemp buss! My eth dhort Peran Treth bys en Kea Playing Place rag cuntellyan Bagas Art Truru. Sevel emann a-varr e'n mettin ew da lowr mar qwra an howl spladna. My alja gweles Ker Kif liwys owryek gen an howldrevel hag an ligyn ow terevel. Wòja hedna, thera flourys lowr en Truro dhe vos talvys. Kyttrin moy dhe Kea Playing Place. Era plen an gwary dadn an vorr (fordh)? Thera 'gan cuntellyan a-drev dhe'n gwedh. My eth tre vorr aral, ow chânjya bussys en Blackwater, reb scovva buss overdevys gen idhyow (ha gohy ow whirny).

Today there's a tale for you, a tale of four bus-stops and five buses! I went from Perranzabuloe as far as Playing Place for a Truro Art Society meeting. Getting up early in the morning is OK if the sun shines. I could see Caer Kief (tree-stump hill-fort) coloured golden by the sunrise as the mist was lifting. After that there were plenty of flowers to be admired in Truro. Another bus to Playing Place. Was there an amphitheatre under the road? Our meeting was behind the trees. I went home another way, changing buses in Blackwater by a bus-shelter overgrown with ivy (and buzzing wasps).

Geryow rag hedhyw Words for today 

a-drev dhe behind

a-varr e'n mettin early in the morning

bos talvys to be admired, esteemed, valued, etc.

cuntellyan (m) meeting, gathering

derevel to rise, lift, raise

gohy (coll.) wasps > gohien (f)

howldrevel (m) sunrise

ligyn (m) mist

mar qwra (hei) if (she) does

owryek golden < owr (m) gold

scovva (f) shelter

talla (m) tale, story, yarn 

whirny to buzz. drone

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