Tuesday 8 October 2024

2024 Day 282

2024 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Dew 

De Meurth, ethves mis Hedra 

Tuesday, 8th October 

Puppres glaw a wra en Kernow oll an termyn, car dre hevel! En kidnyadh thera nei ow nakevy fowt a dhowr en hav ha'n sehow, drefen bos lebmyn re leb. Thera caletter dhe'n kerry en Truru drefen liwyow war an vorr. Nag ew an gewer yeyn, drefen bos an gwens dhort an sooth. Kerthydnedh vas ew hedna rag scavellow cranak. Ma caletter deffrans war vorr nei - ma'n reden marow ow codha dhe'n dor ha'n vorr ew ydna.

It always rains in Cornwall all the time, so it seems! In autumn we forget a lack of water in the summer and the dryness, because now it's too wet. The cars in Truro had a problem because of floods on the road. The weather isn't cold because the wind is from the south. That's a suitable environment for toadstools. There's a different problem on our road - the dead ferns are falling down and the road is narrower.


Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

car dre hevel so it seems, probably

fowt (m) lack, deficiency

gleb wet, damp

kerthydnedh ~ kerhydnedh (m) environment

kidnyadh (m) autumn

liwyow floods < liw ~ liv (m)

navkevy ~ ankevy to forget

scavellow cranak ~ cronek toadstools

sehow (m) dryness, drought

ydna narrower < ydn narrow

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