2020 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Seyth
De Meurth, terdhegves mis Hedra
Tuesday, 13th October
Po nag eus taclow brâs dhe wolya, res ew dhen estemya an taclow bian en bôwnans. Po nag eus na den na benyn dh’agan clowes, nei ell cowsel gans an bestes, pecar’a Peran! Lôwena dhewgh, a Vester Llama! O whei digoweth? Pele ma agas mata? Ha whei, Mestres Melwhejen, nag o whei gelwys. Thew an toll ma rag an cathes en üdnek (kenth o terrys gen kei). Anfür o whei, eredy, dhe dhos òbma. Whei a wra didhowra ha gwedhra. Melwhes a vedn debry scavellow cronek. Na venjama tria, awos bos aga semblans teg. Ma tecter en lies tra. Otta an men ma en gwel. Ew anjei crystels gwydn hir a ganntir?
If there are no big things to celebrate, we must appreciate the little things in life. If there is neither man nor woman to hear us, we can talk to the animals, like St Piran! Hello, Mr. Llama! Are you lonely? Where’s your mate? And you, Mrs. Slug, you are not invited. That hole is just for the cats (though it was broken by a dog). You are ill-advised, indeed, to come here. You will dehydrate and shrivel. Slugs will eat toadstools. I would not try, though they look pretty. There is beauty in many things. Look at this stone in a field. Are those long white crystals of quartz?
Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today
anfür ill-advised, unwise
canntir (m) quartz
didhowra to dehydrate, desiccate
digoweth lonely, without friends
eredy indeed
gelwys invited, called
golya to celebrate
gwedhra to shrivel, wilt
mata (m) mate, chum, etc.
melwhejen~melwhyjen (f) slug > (pl.) melwhes
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