Tuesday, 9 July 2019

2019 Day 190

 Dedh Cans Pajar Ügens ha Deg

De Meurth, nawhes mis Gorefan
Tuesday, 9th July

Treven coth gwres a ven a'n costys ew diblans en Kernow. Lies gweyth ma mongleudh coth en ogas. En gwettha pres nag eus men moy ettans rag treven nowydh. Rag hedna nag ew treven arnowydh diblans na fella. Thens pecar'a treven oll adro dhe Bow an Sowsen. Da ew genam lies chei coth bes nag ew da genam lies chei arnowydh. Lehednow (kyllas) ell bos cregys war vosow rag gwitha an chei. Plankys predn ell bos ûsyes ewedh. Da ew genam hedna, keth ew radn anodhans payntys. Bes treven arnowydh (hag an chei coth ma) ell bos qwethys en lehednow po bordys gow. Cas ew genam plastek! Nag ew fitty rag Kernow. Nag ew da lowr. (Kenth ew ras rag tüs bohojek.)

Old buildings made of local stone are distinctive in Cornwall. Often there is an old quarry nearby. Unfortunately there is no more stone in them for new buildings. Therefore new buildings are no longer distinctive. They are like houses all round England. I like many old houses but I hate many modern houses. Roof slates (slate material) can be hung on walls to protect the house. Wooden planks can be used as well. I like that, though some of them are painted. But modern buildings (and this old house) can be clad in false slates or boards. I hate plastic! It is not suitable for Cornwall. It's not good enough. (Though it is cheap for poor folk.)

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