Dedh Trei Ügens ha Seytek
De Lün, etegves mis Meurth
Monday, 18th March
Ma ostyjy dhe nei. Na wruga nei a's qwachas. "Mamm Wynn, nei venja ostya genowgh rag pols bian, rag udn nos." "Da lowr." Da ew gen an baby debry y voos. Da ew ganjo losow ha tettys saw thew ev ploos. Ev a dhabras meur a voos saw ev a wrug gara boos whath moy dhe godha. Thew an leur cudhys gen scobmow. Bes pe le ma an boos codhys? Nag eus bes lattis obma. Thera an kei ow cortos. Debrys ew ganjo oll an scobmow, marnas an lattis. Nag ew da salat gans an kei bes ev a gar flehes ploos.
We have guests. We didn't expect them. "Granny, we would like to stay with you for a little while, for a night." "OK." The baby likes eating his food. He likes vegetables and potatoes but he is messy. He ate a lot of food but he dropped even more food.The floor is covered in bits. But where is the fallen food? There is only lettuce here. The dog was waiting. He has eaten all the bits, except for the lettuce. The dog does not like salad but he loves messy children.
We have guests. We didn't expect them. "Granny, we would like to stay with you for a little while, for a night." "OK." The baby likes eating his food. He likes vegetables and potatoes but he is messy. He ate a lot of food but he dropped even more food.The floor is covered in bits. But where is the fallen food? There is only lettuce here. The dog was waiting. He has eaten all the bits, except for the lettuce. The dog does not like salad but he loves messy children.
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