Tuesday, 5 March 2019

2019 Day 64

Dedh Trei Ügens ha Pajer
De Meurth, pempes mis Meurth
Tuesday, 5th March

Dedh dhe les – Gool Peran keffres ha de Meurh Enes. Pandra dhe dhebry hedhyw? An jedh avorow a vedh de Merher Lüjiw, an kensa dedh Corawes – termyn dhe voydya boos rych. A vedo whei hepcor neppeth rag Corawes? Na whath, de Meurh Enes ew jorna rag debry lies. Dedh Crampes ewa. E’n vledhen-ma ma va ow codha warbarth gen Gool Peran. Na wrüga vy debry crampethen veth, saw me a dhabras torthellow safòrn ha tesen hevva. Me eth dhe'n universita en Penryn rag seminar "Eglosyow Morek Kernewek". Roger Smith a gowsas adro dhe Tiwardreth ha priory coth ena. Res veu dhebm mos tre kens an nessa areth drefen an kei en chei. Na wrüga vy kemeres ow hamera, rag hedna nag eus dhebm fotos nowydh. Na whath, me a drovyas ow fotos "kellys". Ottobma an düs gen aga skeul hir reb an ke pur uhel.
An interesting day – St Piran’s Day as well as Shrove Tuesday. What to eat today? The day tomorrow will be Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent – a time to avoid rich food. Will you give up anything for Lent? Anyway, Shrove Tuesday is a day for eating a lot. It’s Pancake Day. This year it coincides with St Piran’s Day. I didn’t eat a single pancake, but I ate saffron buns and heavy (hevva) cake. I went to the university in Penryn for a seminar "Cornish Maritime Churches". Roger Smith spoke about Tywardreath (The House on the Strand) and an old priory there. I had to go home before the next talk because of the dog at home. I didn't take my camera, therefore I have no new photos. However, I found my "lost" photos. Here are the men with their long ladder by the very tall hedge.

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